Our modern diet and our recipes have to meet special requirements: they should be light and tasty, healthy and enjoyable, regional, seasonal and sustainable. But how can you find your way through the jungle of cookbooks and nutrition literature? And where can you get information about special questions, such as the right diet during pregnancy? We have put together a wonderful selection of nutrition books for you.
Holistic nutrition in accordance with biorhythm
For example, you can be inspired by the practical guide "Let food be your medicine" (based on a quote from Hippocrates), in which the renowned alternative practitioner Angelika Countess Wolffskeel von Reichenberg focuses on the healing power of our diet. Maintaining and regaining health are the focus of this nutrition book.
Specific nutritional tips for biorhythms, the Chinese organ clock, varied recipes and a wealth of information on acid-base balance and diseases such as diabetes, allergies and rheumatism provide a holistic perspective.
Keep acids and bases in balance
Hermann Straubinger also advocates holistic approaches to "acid-base balance" in his pocket guide of the same name. He attaches great importance to the specific topic of overacidification as the cause of a whole range of symptoms such as tiredness, lack of concentration, headaches, heartburn, allergies and even serious gallbladder and kidney problems, as they can be traced back to a disturbed acid-base balance.
In his book, the committed journalist and health expert not only advises more exercise, stress reduction and a change in diet, but also explains in detail how this can be achieved.
Superfood and nutrition expert Barbara Simonsohn provides a valuable 7-day plan in her guide book "The Alkaline Principle" . This is based on the wealth of experience of Dr. Ludwig M. Jacob, a Europe-wide recognized expert in nutritional therapy, particularly in the field of acidosis. The plan, which focuses on nutrition, shows the "pattern" of a healthy lifestyle. "Sustainable health means giving up what is harmful, but in many ways it is a great benefit. I invite you to view the change in diet as a culinary journey of discovery," says Barbara Simonsohn.

Living meat-free
For those who decide to follow a vegan diet, Rose Marie Donhauser provides a handy guide with “Vegan compact” .
Important tips for buying vegan (and nutrient-rich) products, for storing and preparing them, as well as 58 sophisticated recipes in this nutrition book will make you want to try unusual dishes. They are quick to prepare, can be easily pre-cooked and packed for on the go. A topic-related address list expands the informative range of the vegan nutrition guide.
Cooking with regional, seasonal and wholesome ingredients
Wholesome and vegetarian nutrition is one of Dr. Barbara Rias-Bucher's areas of expertise. The author, who is involved in organic farming and self-sufficiency on her own farm, has become well-known through numerous cookbooks on the subject. This natural way of life prompted her to write a book about "Garden Smoothies" and one about "Local Superfoods" - based on personal experience.
Superfoods are mainly vegetables, wild herbs and fruit, but also herbs and fish, for example. The path to superfoods does not have to be far: we can get vitamin and mineral-rich products in the garden, on the balcony and at farmers' markets. The author provides us with countless recipes for preparing them in a delicious way in her guides "Local Superfoods" , "Superfood Salad" , "Smoothies for Body, Mind and Soul" , "Winter Smoothies" and "Garden Smoothies" .
For pregnant women, Barbara Rias-Bucher, together with the renowned gynecologist Prof. Dr. Ingrid Gerhard, has published the book guide “Eating Right During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding” .