Mankau Verlag was founded in April 2004 and is based in the heart of the idyllic Ammergau Alps Nature Park. Since our founding, we have dedicated ourselves to publishing self-help books, audio guides and card sets that deal intensively with the areas of self-help, healing and health. Our goal is to offer valuable insights and practical support to enable our readers and listeners to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

Raphael Mankau
The founder and managing director of the publishing house is the graduate economist Raphael Mankau. Between 1997 and 2006, Mankau worked as the editor-in-chief of the magazine ÖkologiePolitik, and while still a student he founded the Regensburg internetfabrik in 1998 with fellow students. In 1999, he founded an editorial office with a focus on print editing, internet editing and press work, which was incorporated into the Mankau Verlag in April 2004, which was then still based in Murnau am Staffelsee.
Today, the Upper Bavarian Mankau Verlag works with and in a large network of professional partners from program planning, editing/proofreading, graphics/layout, printing, marketing/public relations and sales/delivery.
Development of the publishing house
The first book to be published was "Corruption in the German Economic System" (Akatshi Schilling/Uwe Dolata) in May 2004; however, the non-fiction section (ecology, society, economy) with books by Wolfgang Köhler and Jaspar von Oertzen (†) among others has not been developed since the end of 2009. Since August 2009, the publishing house has been operating in the legal form of a GmbH. The publishing house's authors today include Petra Neumayer, Barbara Reik, Dr. Barbara Rias-Bucher, Anna E. Röcker, Angelika Gräfin Wolffskeel von Reichenberg, Kathrin Emely Springer, Roswitha Stark, Thomas Künne, Marie F. Mongan (†), Dr. med. Patricia Nischwitz, Barbara Simonsohn, Prof. Dr. Jörg Spitz, Andreas Winter and Dr. med. Eberhard J. Wormer. Under the motto "Books that broaden horizons", the publisher currently publishes around 15 new releases per year.
Aurora sales cooperation
Since March 1, 2008, Mankau Verlag has been part of the Aurora distribution cooperation , which is considered a unique success model in the book industry. Other publishers in the cooperation are: Aquamarin , Athesia-Tappeiner , Crotona , Bonifatius , Goldegg , Hirzel , PAL , Schirner , Smarticular , Stadelmann , Tyrolia , VAK , Via Nova .
Working in a way that the future remains
Collaboration with partners is based on trust and mutual respect. The publisher's actions should particularly reflect the meaningfulness of its actions, value orientation, quality and sustainability (in ecological, social and financial terms). For example, despite higher costs, we print most of our books on recycled and FSC paper and exclusively in Germany; the electricity supplier to our publishing office is 17er Oberlandenergie GmbH (TÜV-certified hydroelectric power), and the ecological office equipment supplier is memo . In 2009 and 2010, the publisher financed 20,000 fruit and vegetable tree seedlings as part of a campaign by Andheri-Hilfe Bonn e. V.; in 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2015, projects by Rettet den Regenwald e. V. were supported. In 2016, Mankau organized an event with Lakota speaker Henry Red Cloud to support ecological and social projects in the Pine Ridge Reservation; in 2019, the publisher was an official supporter of the successful Bavarian species protection referendum "Save the Bees!". Mankau Verlag has been an official partner of the reading promotion campaign StadtLesenTouren several times - most recently in 2024.
Wichtiger Hinweis:
Aufgrund der Fülle an Zusendungen ist es uns i. d. R. nicht möglich, unaufgefordert zugesandte Manuskripte zurückzusenden. Wir sind jedoch bemüht, alle Anfragen zu beantworten.
Questions for us
For further information or inquiries please use our contact form. Our team will get in touch with you shortly.