Barbara Simonson
Barbara Simonsohn (born 1954) is a nutritionist and Reiki instructor. Since 1982 she has been giving seminars at home and abroad, primarily on authentic Reiki with seven levels, but also on acidosis therapy and massages according to Dr. Renate Collier, as well as on yoga. She is also intensively involved with the topic of "healthy nutrition" and is considered an expert on "superfoods".
The Hamburg native regularly travels to India, where she meditates and works as a volunteer English teacher for orphans; she also supports Moringa projects and has planted fruit trees and created organic gardens as part of her development work in Haiti.
Since 1995, Barbara Simonsohn has published numerous guides in the field of holistic health; the total circulation of her books amounts to over 600,000 copies.
Internetseite von Barbara Simonson
Interview mit Barbara Simonson