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Good behavior in every situation

What is appropriate, what will put me off? Where do I have to be careful, where am I challenged and where is restraint required? The compact edition of Herbert Schwinghammer's guide explains the mo...

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Symphony of Health

As the essence of the works published so far, this paperback "Tuning Fork Therapy" by Dr. Patricia Nischwitz and Thomas Künne makes a decisive contribution to self-help in matters of health. Withou...

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Coming home to yourself

The new guide "Meditation for everyone" by Anna Elisabeth Röcker conveys her personal experiences, attitudes and insights into meditation. In doing so, she makes it clear that everyone can meditate...

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Traditional Chinese medicine for sleep disorders

Lack of sleep, restless or poor sleep can lead to serious health problems. In his new guide "Healthy Sleep with TCM", TCM doctor and alternative practitioner Prof. Li Wu provides practical instruct...

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Holistic nutrition with regional ingredients

"Superfoods" are primarily plant-based foods with so-called "bio-active substances" that have a positive effect on the organism. With over 90 recipes and basic information, Dr. Barbara Rias-Bucher ...

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