Good behavior in every situation
Good behavior in every situation
The handy guide "Knigge kompakt" deals with the correct manners in professional and private interactions
What is appropriate, what will put me off? Where do I have to be careful, where am I challenged and where is restraint required? The compact edition of Herbert Schwinghammer 's guide explains the most important rules of living together - also with regard to the changed communication behavior.
Synonym for good behavior
Over 200 years ago, Adolph Freiherr von Knigge published a work that became synonymous with good manners. Completely influenced by the spirit of the Enlightenment, "On Dealing with People" (1788) dealt with the art of "making oneself noticeable, assertive, respected without being envied; of adjusting to people's temperaments, insights and inclinations without being false; of being able to easily adapt to the tone of any company without losing one's unique character or stooping to low flattery."
In a time when many things are no longer self-evident and everything is possible, good manners and a confident demeanor are more important than ever in order to be able to survive both privately and professionally. Herbert Schwinghammer's guide "Knigge kompakt" provides the necessary know-how to be able to behave in all situations in life according to the requirements of the situation.
The right tone for modern communication
The world of communication has changed dramatically in the last few decades. Twenty years ago, only business people used the advantages of mobile telephony. Today, however, most people have a cell phone or smartphone. Even if the boundaries seem to be blurring when dealing with new media, it is important to clearly distinguish between private and business communication. Language style, choice of words, writing (PC or handwriting), style, paper and content are generally kept more personal and informal in the private sphere than in business matters.
The guide's author therefore advocates sensitive and stylish use of mobile phones, e-mails, etc., because even in the virtual world, maintaining certain forms creates a platform on which functioning communication should be possible: "With an appropriate style that is appropriate to the situation, your request will certainly find the desired response."
Successful cooperation within the company
The manners that prevail in a company between employees and management, as well as between employees themselves, determine to a large extent the corporate culture as well as the mood and joy of work in the individual departments. While the relationship between superiors and employees used to be rather distant, today a management style is often practiced that relies on personal responsibility and flat hierarchies. The most important prerequisite for this is open communication between all levels, where the same standards apply that should also be a matter of course in the private sphere.
"Friendliness brings people closer together, leaves everyone with a good feeling and usually leads to politeness and friendly reactions," the author explains. From the correct form of address to the design of one's own workplace and behavior towards colleagues and business partners, unwritten rules often determine whether interaction at work - where most of the day is spent - works well.
Book tip:
Herbert Schwinghammer: Knigge kompakt. Correct manners and good behavior in every situation, compact guide, Mankau Verlag, 1st edition September 2015, paperback, 11.5 x 16.5 cm, 127 pages, 7.99 euros (D) / 8.20 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-258-4
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