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Symphony of Health

Article: Symphony of Health

Symphony of Health

The new practical book on tuning fork therapy combines healing knowledge and prevention

As the essence of the works published so far, this paperback "Tuning Fork Therapy" by Dr. Patricia Nischwitz and Thomas Künne makes a decisive contribution to self-help in matters of health. Without great effort and without side effects, numerous blockages and complaints can be alleviated and physical and mental harmony restored.

Synergy of tuning fork therapy and meridian theory

Together with his co-author, the general practitioner and proven acupuncture specialist, Dr. Patricia Nischwitz, the therapist Thomas Künne offers a kind of "best-of" of his previous publications in his new book with Mankau Verlag.

The combination of tuning fork therapy and Chinese meridian theory has resulted in a new, gentle healing method that helps to rediscover and reactivate the inner self-healing powers. The authors recommend tried-and-tested balancing techniques that can help to alleviate and cure the most common everyday complaints and illnesses. The applications also help people lead a self-confident and active life in harmony, happiness and well-being, so that everyone can contribute to prevention.

Activating the inner healer

The human body's ability to harmonize and regenerate itself in order to relieve and heal both external and internal blockages, injuries and illnesses can be described as self-healing power or "inner healer". Health and well-being have a lot to do with how well we resonate with the flow of life. If there are vibrations that make us ill, then there must also be those that can activate our inner healer.

With the help of gentle tuning fork therapy, even laypeople can get into the flow of their own lives and bring "out of tune" back into harmony. When we use a tuning fork to resonate the "out of tune" or diseased area of ​​the body with healing vibrations, we stimulate our body to heal itself. The harmonious pattern within itself is restored and the out of tune is alleviated or harmonized.

Regaining balance

If there is a physical or mental imbalance, harmonization helps to get back into balance. This so-called "balancing" creates balance where something has become unbalanced. Balancing leads back to harmony, equilibrium and well-being, it supports the path to one's own center.

According to the authors, complaints and discomfort are always signs that certain areas of the organism are blocked. This delays or slows down the healthy flow of life energy in the human body, leading to blockage and complete standstill. The practical guide to tuning fork therapy aims to offer both interested laypeople who have never dealt with acupuncture and acupressure and their effects before, and professionals, a helpful guide to help and self-help.

Book tip:
Thomas Künne / Dr. med. Patricia Nischwitz: Tuning fork therapy. Healing knowledge and practical applications. With a foreword by Dr. Ruediger Dahlke. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition October 2015, paperback, 214 pages, 9.95 (D) / 10.30 € (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-249-2

Link recommendations:

Sanfte Heilung: Ohne großen Aufwand und ohne Nebenwirkungen können mithilfe der Stimmgabeltherapie zahlreiche Blockaden und Beschwerden gelindert und die körperliche wie seelische Harmonie wiederhergestellt werden.

Heilen mit Stimmgabeln: Die Stimmgabeltherapie findet immer mehr Anhänger im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum. Phonophorese-Ausbilder Thomas Künne hat in den letzten Jahren Hunderte Anwender ausgebildet.

Das neue Praxisbuch zur Phonophorese beinhaltet die Essenz der bisher erschienenen Werke der beiden Autoren und bietet einen wertvollen Einstieg in die faszinierende Welt der heilsamen Schwingungen - mit zahlreichen, leicht nachvollziehbaren Anwendungen.

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