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Coming home to yourself

Article: Coming home to yourself

Coming home to yourself

“Meditation for All” offers beginners and advanced practitioners a four-step program to approach everyday life with mindfulness

The new guide "Meditation for everyone" by Anna Elisabeth Röcker conveys her personal experiences, attitudes and insights into meditation. In doing so, she makes it clear that everyone can meditate naturally. Simple exercises show ways to make everyday life meditative and enrich life.

Finding inner peace

People have always needed to counteract the forces of distraction and confusion. That is why all cultures have a certain practice of meditation that can help them find inner peace. In her many years of work, music therapist, alternative practitioner and yoga teacher Anna Elisabeth Röcker has discovered how necessary it is to give as many people as possible access to meditation and to make it easier for them to do so: "People are increasingly feeling disorientated in an increasingly diverse world and are searching for their own path, their roots. This is precisely where meditation is needed to strengthen their basic trust in life."

First of all, it is about mindfulness, about becoming aware of the moment and the ability to delve deeper. Being mindful of yourself, your own body, your thoughts and feelings, leads to being mindful of your fellow human beings and the world. Mindfulness is therefore a key to meditation, and conversely, meditation increases mindfulness in everyday life.

Meditation as a universal practice

Being at home with yourself, which ranges from inner peace and serenity to a deep, tangible inner connection with everything and thus also with the very source of our life, is probably - consciously or unconsciously - a goal of all people. This is why all cultures have different forms of meditation in all possible forms. Meditation is by no means limited to Eastern practices, but is equally deeply rooted in the Christian tradition of spiritual exercises.

The realization that meditation is universal and already anchored in every person inspired the author to call her book "Meditation for everyone". It is aimed at both beginners and those who have retained the beginner's spirit and are looking for inspiration for their own meditation practice. It shows many ways of experiencing life meditatively and thus deepening the joy of its beauty. Meditation is therefore also a helpful way of dealing well with difficult life situations. "Meditation helps us to draw strength, to center ourselves and to find solutions in connection with intuition," promises the experienced yoga teacher and therapist, whose meditation seminars have been regularly fully booked for many years.

Step by step to your own meditation practice

Anna Elisabeth Röcker's guide provides instructions for meditation in four steps, which have proven successful in her practice with numerous clients and course participants. The simple basic program is very easy to follow and suitable for everyone as an introduction. In the four consecutive steps, simple and more complex exercises are presented in a kind of modular system. These are divided into concentration exercises - especially to prepare for meditation -, objective and non-objective meditations, mindfulness exercises for everyday life and spiritual meditations.

The author's aim is to inspire enthusiasm for meditation, because it is so much more than just sitting in a certain position on a cushion or bench and immersing yourself in the meditation according to certain rules. Meditation leads to inner and outer stability and at the same time to more clarity and an awareness of freedom. To deepen the content of the book, the enclosed audio CD contains selected meditations that are suitable for beginners, but can also serve as inspiration for your own meditation practice or work in yoga groups, for example.

Book tip:
Anna Elisabeth Röcker: Meditation for everyone. Four-step program for meditation and mindfulness exercises for every day. With audio CD. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition September 2015, paperback, full color, numerous photos, 190 pages 18.90 euros (D) / 19.50 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-230-0

Link recommendations:

Einfach zu erlernen: Meditation macht ausgeglichener und damit letztlich auf allen Ebenen leistungsfähiger.

Mit den im Buch „Meditation für alle“ im Kapitel „Erster Schritt: Vorbereitung“ beschriebenen Übungen kann man sich auf die für die Meditation empfohlenen Sitzhaltungen vorbereiten.

Anna Elisabeth Röcker arbeitet in eigener Praxis für Therapie und Inner Coaching in München. Sie ist Heilpraktikerin und Musiktherapeutin (G. I. M.) und leitet Meditationsausbildungen.

Das Buch von Anna Röcker bietet ein Vier-Schritte-Programm zur Meditation und Achtsamkeitsübungen - für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Es enthält eine Audio-CD mit verschiedenen Meditationsanleitungen.

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