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Traditional Chinese medicine for sleep disorders

Article: Traditional Chinese medicine for sleep disorders

Traditional Chinese medicine for sleep disorders

Nutritional tips, relaxation exercises and healing massages ensure healthy sleep

Lack of sleep, restless or poor sleep can lead to serious health problems. In his new guide "Healthy Sleep with TCM", TCM doctor and alternative practitioner Dr. Li Wu provides practical instructions and tips on how to alleviate these problems and find restful sleep again.

Sleep killer stress

Poor sleep can have a variety of causes. However, it is safe to say that it has a lot to do with our current lifestyle habits, stress and pressure to perform. It may sound harmless to just have "slept badly", but lack of sleep over a longer period of time can have serious health consequences. These range from a weakened immune system, increased blood pressure and blood sugar levels to cardiac arrhythmias and psychological problems such as stress, nervousness and overstimulation, which can lead to burnout and depression. Since lack of sleep and the associated complaints affect the whole person, a holistic healing method such as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is ideally suited to alleviating sleep disorders and their consequences.

Good sleep is healthy, bad sleep makes you sick

People need to sleep to maintain their vital functions - on average, it should be seven to eight hours. If we sleep less or much more over a longer period of time, our physical and mental health suffers. People who sleep badly often drag themselves through the whole of the following day feeling tired and annoyed. Good sleepers, on the other hand, are fit and productive, and usually also fairly stress-resistant and balanced. A healthy, restful night's sleep is immensely important for our organism. If chronic sleep disorders and the associated lack of sleep deprive it of the necessary rest periods, our health is massively endangered. People who sleep badly over weeks and months damage their immune system and all organ functions and are much more likely to develop depression, cardiovascular disease, metabolic and autoimmune diseases, and cancer. People who struggle with severe sleep disorders do not just suffer at night, but often end up in a vicious circle of malaise and exhaustion, depression, and in the worst case, even loneliness.

Treating sleep disorders holistically

Insomnia or sleep problems can have a variety of causes: from psychological problems to undetected illnesses or poor eating habits and increased alcohol consumption.

Especially in the case of emotional and psychological sleep disorders, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - which never looks at physical or psychological ailments in isolation, but always looks at the whole person - helps to calm down and find your inner center again. Relaxation techniques such as meditation and Qi Gong create confidence in your own power and strength and thus help to face feelings of fear more calmly and to deal better with stressful situations. With its holistic view of people, TCM can also help you to get to know yourself better and to find out which situations trigger particular tension. This way, unnecessary stress can be recognized early on and avoided next time. Prof. Li Wu's book gives an overview of the various applications and healing methods of TCM, which promote relaxation and good sleep even in difficult life situations and stressful phases. The audio CD "Healthy Sleep with TCM" is also being released alongside the book: the meditation journey it contains helps you to deal with worries and stress more calmly, to get to know yourself and your own needs better and thus - resting in yourself, in your own center - to find restful sleep.

Book tip:
Prof. Dr. TCM (Univ. Yunnan) Li Wu: Healthy sleep with TCM • Nutrition tips and herbal recipes • Acupressure and healing massages for relaxation • Gentle exercises and helpful rituals for falling asleep. With extra “Sleep thief: snoring”. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition August 2015, paperback, 12 x 19 cm, 168 pages, €9.95 (D) / €10.30 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-214-0.

CD tip:
Li Wu, Prof. TCM (Univ. Yunnan), Healthy sleep with TCM (audio CD). Meditation journey to the inner center. With an introduction by Li Wu. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition August 2015, total running time approx. 51 min., 12.95 €, ISBN 978-3-86374-217-1.

Link recommendations:

Eine ganzheitliche Heilmethode wie die Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin (TCM) bestens geeignet, um Schlafstörungen und deren Folgen zu lindern.

Die Qi-Gong-Übung „Leicht wie der Wind“ hilft, sich auf die Nachtruhe einzustimmen und zur Ruhe zu kommen. Regelmäßig durchgeführt kann sie helfen, abends besser zu entspannen.

Li Wu ist Doktor der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (TCM) und studierte Psychologie und Germanistik an der Universität in Passau. Heute betreibt er eine sehr erfolgreiche Naturheilpraxis in München.

Das Buch "Gesunder Schlaf mit TCM" von Dr. Li Wu gibt Anleitungen und Tipps, wie man Schlafstörungen lindern und wieder zu einem erholsamen Schlaf finden kann.

Die Audio-CD von Li Wu bietet eine "Meditationsreise zur inneren Mitte".

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