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Comeback of home remedies

Article: Comeback of home remedies

Comeback of home remedies

Birgit Frohn's compact guide presents proven healing knowledge for everyday ailments

They are tried and tested and are once again highly topical - the medicinal and home remedies from the wealth of experience of our grandmothers. In "The Little Book of Home Remedies", Birgit Frohn presents the best and most well-known applications from A to Z.

New recognition for old knowledge

What our grandmothers knew is anything but old news: for some time now, people have been increasingly aware of the great potential of traditional healing knowledge. Even established doctors tend to resort to tried-and-tested home remedies for simple everyday ailments.

With her new book, Birgit Frohn, a trained biologist and science journalist, therefore aims to introduce the good old home remedies of yesteryear and show how their healing effects can be best used. Readers first get to know tried and tested home remedies and medicinal plants. Then it explains in detail which of these should be used for which complaints and how.

Effective treatment with a long tradition

Home remedies are very effective medicines and applications that are helpful for many ailments. Accordingly, these valuable remedies have been used successfully for many generations. Because what our grandmothers used for treatment draws on the comprehensive healing potential of nature - light, air, warmth, water and of course medicinal plants: The latter can look back on a long history, because even in the pre-Christian civilizations in Mesopotamia, people knew about the healing effects of many plants and used them for therapeutic purposes.

On the other hand, using home remedies is easy and requires little effort. Many effective remedies are both food and medicine, such as honey, curd or onions. Because they are natural and gentle - and of course because they are relatively inexpensive - they are ideal for self-treatment of common everyday ailments.

The pharmacy in the kitchen cupboard

For many household remedies, you only need to reach into the spice rack or pantry. For example, vinegar has been used since ancient times to preserve food, to clean household items and to promote and maintain health. Due to its high content of important vitamins, minerals and trace elements as well as acids, it stimulates the metabolism, gently detoxifies and helps to lose excess pounds.

Quark is also considered the "antibiotic" of natural medicine because it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, reduces fever and relieves pain within a short time. And for all respiratory diseases, there is nothing better than onion syrup. Almost as important as a well-stocked medicine cabinet that has everything you need for first aid is a supply of versatile home remedies.

Book tip:
Birgit Frohn: The little book of home remedies. Tried and tested knowledge for everyday complaints from A to Z. Compact guide, Mankau Verlag, 1st edition November 2015, paperback, 11.5 x 16.5 cm, full color, 127 pages, 7.99 euros (D) / 8.20 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-264-5.

Link recommendations:

Birgit Frohn (geb. 1967) ist erfolgreiche Buchautorin und Wissenschaftsjournalistin. Sie hat bereits mehrere Titel zu den Themenschwerpunkten Gesundheit und Medizin, Ernährung und alternative Heilmethoden veröffentlicht.

Birgit Frohns neuer Ratgeber "Das kleine Buch der Hausmittel" präsentiert in kompakter Form die besten und bekanntesten Anwendungen, zusammengetragen aus dem überlieferten Erfahrungsschatz unserer Großmütter und aus alten Arzneibüchern.

Neben seiner haltbarmachenden und reinigenden Wirkung im Haushalt hat Apfelessig auch zahlreiche positive Wirkungen auf die Gesundheit: Z. B. lindert er innerlich genommen Müdigkeit, Kopf- und Halsschmerzen sowie Pilzinfektionen.

Die Pfefferminze diente bereits den Ärzten des alten Ägypten als Heilmittel gegen eine ganze Reihe von Beschwerden, so etwa Kopfschmerzen und Magenbeschwerden. Äußerlich hilft das Öl beispielsweise bei Muskel- und Nervenschmerzen.

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