The natural way to a safe, gentle and easy birth. The original method!
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8th edition 2021, paperback with audio CD
15 x 23 cm, 318 pp.
What can I expect? Will I be in a lot of pain? Will everything go well? Are the horror stories I've been told true? Many expectant mothers have a queasy feeling when the birth slowly but surely approaches. But why is birth such a traumatic and painful experience for many women? And why do more than a quarter of all births today end with a Caesarean section?
HypnoBirthing's answer is simple: the fear of childbirth that women have of childbirth, which is deeply rooted in our culture, causes three crucial reactions in the body - the muscles tense up, blood flow is reduced and certain stress hormones are released. All of these reactions cause and worsen the pain of childbirth. The Mongan method uses hypnosis techniques to systematically reduce this fear, including fear from traumatic births. This means that many pains do not arise in the first place, the expectant mother can relax deeply and her body can do its job much better.
In addition, HypnoBirthing drastically reduces pain through special breathing, relaxation and concentration exercises, so that painkillers are almost always unnecessary. The number of Caesarean sections and other medical interventions is also greatly reduced. After the birth, women recover much more quickly and are therefore better able to build a close bond with their child.
The program described in this book is not manipulation, but a natural way to make birth easier. Let us help you bring your child into the world with confidence, relaxation, gentleness and peace! The book comes with a HypnoBirthing relaxation and exercise CD.
Proven in tens of thousands of births – the successful obstetric care from the USA!

New CD recording for the 6th edition!
For the 10th anniversary of the German-language edition of "HypnoBirthing", the CD was completely revised in 2018 and re-recorded with a professional speaker who has extensive experience with meditative texts. Let the wonderful voice of Monika Eßer-Stahl initiate you into the secret of a gentle, safe and easy birth...
- Audio sample: Excerpt from Part 1 - Relaxation for birth preparation
- Download the audio CD in mp3 format (for e-book readers, in case of loss, etc.) - 3.99 euros
Also available as an audio book!
To the audio book " HypnoBirthing " ...
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Hörprobe der HypnoBirthing-CD
Die Texte der dem Buch beiliegenden Audio-CD wurden für die 6. Auflage (2018) der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe komplett überarbeitet und mit einer professionellen und sehr erfahrenen Sprecherin neu aufgenommen.
Inhalt der CD:
1. Intro (0:18 Min.)
2. Entspannung zur Geburtsvorbereitung (Teil 1): "Wie du den inneren Tempel des Friedens findest" (27:49 Min.)
3. Vorgeburtliches Elternsein (Teil 2): "Sich in sein Kind verlieben" (24:49 Min.)
Sprecherin: Monika Eßer-Stahl
Text: Marie F. Mongan
Übersetzung: Claudia Mund
- Ausschnitt aus Teil 1 - Entspannung zur Geburtsvorbereitung: "Wie du den inneren Tempel des Frieden findest"
- Download der Audio-CD im mp3-Format (für E-Book-Leser, bei Verlust etc.) - 3,99 Euro
Wichtig: Die neue 9. Auflage enthält keine Audio-CD mehr, sondern Audio-Downloads!
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