Claus Walter (born 1962) worked as a graduate in business administration (FH) and product and innovation expert for international technology companies until 2010. Prompted by his own burnout, after more than 16 years of research he developed targeted methods for revitalizing exhausted people and companies. He focuses on the effects of the heart resonance field, coherence fields, quantum physics and psychosomatics, which have been proven by leading natural scientists over the last 20 years.
From these findings and his personal experiences, as well as ten years of proof with over 600 people, the innovative Heart Resonance Coaching® (HRC) was developed within ten years. Since 2011, Claus Walter has been using this method, which was awarded an innovation prize by the Swiss SME Association in 2013, with lasting success for both individuals and companies (www.cforc.biz).
Claus Walter’s books “Heart Resonance Coaching”, “The Power of True Love” and “Foreign Energies” have been published by Mankau Verlag; he is also the author and co-author of several books in the “Chefsache” series (Springer Gabler).
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Interview mit Claus-Walter