Femininity as a guide
Femininity as a guide
Kristina Rumpel describes “male” and “female” as elementary qualities of life and their importance for a life-affirming world
The female power is the driving, all-moving force in the universe, which integrates and connects male and female energies. Getting to know it and consciously inviting it into our lives is the purpose and goal of the new book by the FlowBirthing author.
Beyond all clichés
After initiating the emergence of a new birth culture with "FlowBirthing", author Kristina Rumpel's second book poses the question of a new understanding of the concepts of "male" and "female" beyond all clichés. She sees the "power of the feminine" as the key to rediscovering life-affirming principles and spiritual qualities. Her book explores the dimensions of feminine power and explains how and why this elementary life force could have been forgotten in the first place.
"It's not about the dominance of the feminine," the author emphasizes, "but about the healing balance of both forces." The purpose is to "achieve a balance of the male and female life energies that work together in every person and are therefore gender-independent and common to all of us, so that we can find a holistic understanding of man, nature and the cosmos and thus a clear yes to life and the sacred principles of life that have been valid since time immemorial."
The female primal source of life
"The world is in turmoil, as the global crises make clear to us every day. What we see everywhere are misdirected, uprooted energies of a destructive side of the male power in all of us that has turned away from life." Kristina Rumpel therefore sees the time ripe for a "poetic revolution" that creates new stories and images about life and puts outdated concepts to the test: "What we need is a counterweight to balance the forces, in which the female power emerges and (re)takes its traditional place." This is about nothing less than dealing with the primal source, i.e. the male and female forces in the world, from whose fusion new life arises.
If every living being was born of a mother, the line goes back from mother to daughter, mother to daughter, mother to daughter - to the origin of life. This also includes the biological fact that all people are female in the embryonic maturation phase of the first seven weeks. Only then does a mix of hormones in the mother's body decide whether the original female sex will develop into a female or male child. Archaeological finds of female figures from the Stone Age testify that the original feminine, which combines the cycle of life and death, creation, growth and decay, has been considered the life-giving and sustaining force in the universe for more than 30,000 years.
Integration instead of opposition
Despite the great diversity of cultures and seemingly unbridgeable differences, the omnipresence of the primal mother of all being still feeds its fascination today - and therein lies its integrative power for the peaceful coexistence of all people in the future. In contrast, the dominance of the male developed through the separation from the female and subsequently led to the subjugation of women. A deep dividing line between the sexes, people, nations, religions and our world of polarities as we know it today began with the detachment from the primal feminine principle. In order to maintain power, the ancient female, spiritual worlds of experience that affirm and integrate life in its entirety have been overwritten again and again throughout history. Misguided masculinity has led to the catastrophes in this world everywhere, which can be summed up as a crisis of humanity.
Kristina Rumpel is concerned with leaving behind the rigid categories of man and woman in favor of the freely flowing life forces of male/female and making room for the feminine as a meaningful life context - in women as well as men, and therefore also in society. The aim is to balance the disorder in the interplay of male/female forces by reviving female power. But this is not about the dominance of the biological woman; the development of female qualities in men and, above all, as externally effective forces is also important.
Book tip:
Kristina Marita Rumpel: The Power of the Feminine. The key for women and men to a life-affirming world. Mankau Verlag GmbH, 1st edition November 2016, paperback 16 x 22 cm, full color, 159 pages, €15.95 (D) / €16.40 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-302-4.
Link recommendations:
More information about the non-fiction book "The Power of the Feminine"
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