The positive effect of negative ions
The positive effect of negative ions
The “Happiness Effect” by Dr. Earl Mindell describes how health can be improved without side effects
The health benefits of negative ions have long been controversial, but more and more people are convinced of their healing energy. Dr. Mindell provides interesting information about their effects and the history of their research. The well-known doctor and bestselling author also gives the reader an insight into how therapy with negative ions can strengthen the immune system and which complaints can be remedied or alleviated.
Positive effect on all areas of well-being
For more than 30 years, Dr. Earl Mindell, a trained pharmacist and college lecturer, has written successful books on nutrition and health. Inspired by a television program in which the health benefits of negative ions were dismissed as quackery, he began to study the subject in more detail. His new book, "The Happiness Effect," the German translation of which is being published by Mankau Verlag, contains some of the most important research results on negative ions that have been compiled over the past hundred years.
Mindell believes that "by reading this book, you will discover a simple and inexpensive way to alleviate a wide range of health problems without any side effects." Negative ions can have a beneficial effect on all areas of health and well-being, helping to improve sleep, achieve desired weight loss, and increase concentration and athletic performance.
What are “negative ions”?
The physical world is made up of tiny elements called atoms. When two or more atoms form a chemical bond, molecules are formed. At the center of each atom is a nucleus of positively charged protons and neutrons with no charge, surrounded by negatively charged electrons. If an atom has an equal number of protons and electrons, then that molecule has a neutral charge. If, on the other hand, the number of these particles is not balanced, then the atom or molecule is called an ion, which has either a positive or a negative charge. Both positive and negative ions occur in nature, but they can also be created by technical devices.
Both types of ions are able to influence a person's behavior and attitude. Positive ions are generated by things like cell phones, radio and television antennas, cell towers and power lines. Their effects are controversial, but it seems that being exposed to too many positive ions is not beneficial for the human organism. In nature, however, there are significantly more negative ions than positive ones. They can be found on beaches, lakes, in the mountains, near waterfalls and generally after thunderstorms - or when taking a shower. The "fresh air" enriched with negative ions makes you feel refreshed and invigorated almost immediately.
The positive effect on health and well-being
By the early 1950s, hundreds of studies had been conducted by scientists and medical researchers around the world on the health benefits of negative ions. While excessive positive ionization causes many undesirable side effects, negative ions provide a feeling of well-being and have numerous other health benefits. Negatively charged ions can help eliminate allergens and pollutants from the air by combining with dust and mold particles, pet dander, or pollen to form heavier clumps. Because negative ions increase overall concentration, they may have a positive effect on children with ADHD by delivering more oxygen to the brain and regulating serotonin levels. In addition, negative ions can also stimulate the immune system and strengthen the body's ability to heal itself.
The acceleration of the healing process is due to the ability of negative ions to prevent inflammation caused by microorganisms, says Dr. Mindell. In view of this and other research results, the author laments the reluctance of conventional medicine to recognize the numerous benefits that these molecules offer: "Why shouldn't we consider this effective remedy for a variety of problems? Negative ions can be administered to oneself, they have no problematic side effects and they cost significantly less than pharmaceuticals."
Book tip:
Dr. Earl Mindell: The Happiness Effect. The positive effect of negative ions on our health. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition November 2016, paperback, 134 pages, €9.95 (D) / €10.30 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-333-8.
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