International Midwives Day 2020: 5 years of FlowBirthing network – pioneer of a movement for the new birth culture
International Midwives Day 2020: 5 years of FlowBirthing network – pioneer of a movement for the new birth culture
Given the dramatic situation in obstetrics, more and more women are looking for support for their right to a natural birth. FlowBirthing provides valuable educational work and supports expectant mothers and parents with innovative projects and offers. On May 5, 2020, International Midwives Day, the FlowBirthing network celebrates its fifth birthday.
Obstetrics in crisis
Every year on May 5th, International Midwifery Day is celebrated in more than 50 countries to draw attention to the important contribution that midwifery makes to society. Midwifery is one of the oldest professions in the world; in 2016, it was added to Germany's national list of intangible cultural heritage, and will soon be nominated for the international UNESCO list. Nevertheless, overwork and high liability risks in Germany have led to increasingly difficult working conditions for midwives. In many rural regions, there are often no hospitals with maternity wards at all: "In one of the richest countries in the world, women can no longer find midwives and are turned away from clinics because delivery rooms are overcrowded. This violates the dignity of mother and child," complains Würzburg sociologist and FlowBirthing coordinator Kristina Marita Rumpel.
In response to the increasing deterioration and trend towards further mechanization of obstetric care, the network has been committed to natural and self-determined birth for five years now and supports expectant mothers with a wide range of advice, information and courses.
FlowBirthing as a positive countermovement
"FlowBirthing educates and strengthens women in their self-confidence and trust in the female body and female power," Rumpel sums up her mission. Without knowledge of the deeper connections and the truly beneficial factors, giving birth naturally on one's own is no longer possible. But the circle of supporters and mothers who have experienced wonderful pregnancies and births through FlowBirthing is growing. Thanks to the now almost 500 network partners and multipliers, society is also becoming more aware that something needs to change in the situation of obstetric care. There are now already 60 specially trained FlowBirthing mentors who accompany women through pregnancy on an equal footing and answer their questions and concerns openly and trustingly. The next online training program to become a FlowBirthing mentor starts on June 22, 2020 - registrations are still possible.
Perspectives for the new birth culture
"In the 21st century, it is time for women to be able to give birth again in such a way that they emerge from the birth experience strengthened as women and mothers," says the expert for a new birth culture for the future of FlowBirthing. Numerous positive experiences and moving stories from pregnant women who have found themselves again through giving birth encourage her in her efforts. But there is still a lot to be done before the new awareness has reached all parts of society.
The next project planned, for example, is so-called FlowBirthing Cafés, where women can use the network to campaign for the new birth culture in their respective city - partly promoted by the local women's representatives. In Flensburg, pregnant women and women who want to have children have been invited under this name once a month since 2018 to exchange ideas with like-minded people and obstetric professionals. A special concern - for which there are still no offers - is a separate course program for men.
Meanwhile, the FlowBirthing portal www.flowbirthing.de has been completely revamped, both technically and visually, just in time for its fifth birthday. The new features include separate landing pages for network partners and mentors, better search options and an event calendar for FlowBirthing dates; you can also subscribe to the blog posts (free of charge).
- FlowBirthing for pregnant women: Birth and the subsequent start into life should be a special event that women look back on fondly. The approximately 500 FlowBirthing network partners and mentors support expectant parents in this.
- FlowBirthing for service providers: All providers who support pregnant women in accordance with the FlowBirthing philosophy can register free of charge at www.flowbirthing.de - from HypnoBirthing to yoga, from birthing centers to alternative practitioners. Become a network partner...
Link recommendations:
- Portal of the FlowBirthing network
- Facebook page of the FlowBirthing network
- Book "FlowBirthing" by Kristina Marita Rumpel
Book, audio and card set tips:
- Kristina Marita Rumpel: FlowBirthing. Born from a wave of joy. Mankau 2015, paperback, full color, 16.5 x 23.5 cm, 160 pages, €18.90 (D), €19.50 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-234-8
- Kristina Marita Rumpel: FlowBirthing. Meditations, affirmations and life music (audio CD). Mankau 2015, audio CD, total running time approx. 68 min., RRP 15,- € (D/A), ISBN 978-3-86374-239-3
- Kristina Marita Rumpel/Sonja Edenharder: Happiness is on the way. 128 FlowBirthing affirmations. Card set for pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. Mankau 2020, card set with 128 cards., €24.95 (D), €25.70 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-534-9
- Kristina Marita Rumpel: FlowBirthing. The audio book (audio CD). Born from a wave of joy. Mankau 2020, 3 audio CDs, total running time approx. 220 min., RRP €19.95 (D/A), ISBN 978-3-86374-558-5