A little happiness in the afternoon: “Tea Time for the Soul” helps to reduce stress, relax and find new inspiration
A little happiness in the afternoon: “Tea Time for the Soul” helps to reduce stress, relax and find new inspiration
“ Tea Time for the Soul ” – the new book from the Self-Talk series by US bestselling author Kristen Helmstetter is dedicated to the five-minute self-talk in the afternoon to catch your breath, find your own center and make life magical.
If you think differently, you live differently
Kristen Helmstetter is not one for waiting and seeing. The American bestselling author of successful nutrition and lifestyle books has achieved everything one could wish for. But it wasn't always like that. A few years ago, she wasn't a very happy person. She suffered from great anxiety and viewed all problems as serious threats. So she tried different things to feel better. But it wasn't until she changed the words and thoughts she said and thought about herself, the world and her life that this too changed for the better.
Tea Time for the Soul is the fourth book about the life-changing power of self-talk. As a daily ritual - after getting up, before going to bed, when toasting together or in the afternoon - this little dialogue with yourself gives you valuable time out and energy for new tasks.
The positive power of habit
The recommendation to think positively or optimistically may sound simple, but this way of thinking must be put into practice to be effective. The best way to do this is to make it a habit and combine it with a pleasant activity. For example, the afternoon cup of tea is a typical English tradition that was introduced in the 18th century to satisfy hunger until dinner. In Japan, the tea ceremony has been used for centuries to focus on the harmony of life, leave stress behind and find peace.
The novelty of Kristen Helmstetter's approach is to use the tea break to live a "magical" life by combining this time out with strong, positive affirmations and beautiful, uplifting thoughts: "Tea Time Self-Talk is a wonderful little ceremony that takes just five minutes a day. It helps you change your life with inspiration, motivation and rejuvenation."
Better self-talk, better life
Kristen Helmstetter uses the power of positive self-talk to program her mind regularly. Because that's the key - doing it so regularly that it becomes second nature and a daily routine. This regularity means that the desired life changes will occur quickly.
But the content of the self-talk is just as important, because it is about our opinions and judgements about ourselves and other people. It is about our attitude to everything we comment on and what is constantly going through our heads. A happy life can only be achieved if the inner dialogues are also conducted in this way: "If they are only mediocre, you lead a mediocre life. And if your self-talk is modest and ugly, then you are probably not very happy and have a hard time." The self-talk thus determines the focus, and this decides whether you are happy or not, successful or not and whether you enjoy life... or not.
Book tip:
Kristen Helmstetter: Tea Time for the soul. Your little happiness in the afternoon . "Tea Time Self-Talk" for a magical life. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition October 2023, paperback, 13.5 x 21.5 cm, 202 pages, 18.00 euros (D) / 18.50 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-703-9
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