"Stay healthy!" campaign: Health tips from person to person
"Stay healthy!" campaign: Health tips from person to person
Health is our greatest asset - we have never been more aware of this than today, and this applies across all age groups, social classes, national borders and religions. Each and every individual is called upon to protect themselves and others from the corona virus through responsible actions and behavior. We should also all think about how we can use our skills and knowledge for our fellow human beings in these difficult times. In this sense, Mankau Verlag would also like to make a contribution to the common good with its author campaign " Stay healthy! " and new landing pages.
The campaign “Stay healthy!”
The externally imposed retreat into the private sphere offers us the opportunity for – often neglected – “self-care”: we should now be particularly careful with ourselves and focus on our physical and mental well-being. As a health publisher, Mankau Verlag wants to accompany its readers on this path and has launched the “Stay healthy!” campaign for this purpose: Numerous authors convey – in text or video contributions on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter as well as via the Mankau Internet forum – their personal recommendations for protecting yourself from infection, overcoming fears and staying lovingly with yourself. You can follow the “Stay healthy!” campaign in our Internet forum and on our Facebook page , among other places.
Book recommendations in times of the corona virus
There is still no drug or vaccine against Corona in sight - but one thing is clear: the viral invader cannot resist a strong immune system for long. Therefore, in addition to the recommended hygiene measures, we should pay particular attention to our immune system: What strengthens it, what weakens it? With a balanced diet rich in vital substances, we can lay the foundation for a stable immune system, but numerous medicinal plants also have immune-boosting and antiviral properties. The best book tips from the publishing program can be found on the specially created landing page " Books that strengthen your immune system ".
However, our mental state is just as important as our physical state. Fears, worries and stress can weaken our organism, nervous sleep disorders cause permanent exhaustion, and isolation and the lack of contact with other people can lead to mood swings and even depression. A selection of " books that are good for you " is intended to provide assistance here - whether in dealing with fears, stress or depressive moods, or as inspiration for a meaningful, enriching "house arrest".
Stay healthy!
Link recommendations:
- To the contributions of the campaign “Stay healthy!”
- Book recommendations: Books that strengthen your immune system
- Book recommendations: Books that are good for you
- To the Facebook page of Mankau Verlag with the campaign “Stay healthy!”
Other channels through which we spread our campaign: