“We can all use the frequencies of the planets, sun and moon for our well-being!”
“We can all use the frequencies of the planets, sun and moon for our well-being!”
Interview with the mathematician and musicologist Hans Cousto and the vibration therapist and astrologer Thomas Künne about " Healing Frequencies "
"Ever since it has been possible to calculate the frequencies of the planets, numerous scientists, artists and musicians have studied the tones and colours of the earth, moon and planets. We are all 'cosmic people', we are part of the bigger picture; whoever resonates with the cosmic vibrations can - in the spirit of Archetypal Medicine according to Dr. Ruediger Dahlke - activate their self-healing powers, dissolve blockages that hinder or make us ill and bring their own shadow parts to light and 'redeem' them." One of the leading theoreticians and one of the leading practitioners of vibration theory have come together for the book "Healing Frequencies": Hans Cousto and Thomas Künne explain the planetary frequencies and their application for our well-being and health.
In the foreword to “Healing Frequencies,” Ruediger Dahlke writes that it is thanks to “the master of vibration theory Hans Cousto and the master of vibration practice Thomas Künne” that this knowledge is generally accepted. What do you owe to “Archetypal Medicine”?
Thomas Künne: We owe a holistic approach to the interpretation of clinical pictures to “archetypal medicine” – and here primarily to Ruediger Dahlke. Dahlke’s programmatic book “Illness as a Path” fascinated me just as much as “Fate as Opportunity” by Thorwald Detlefsen (he is also co-author of “Illness as a Path”). Why this fascination? Well, the archetypes represent the collective unconscious within us; if we suppress parts of them, we banish them to the shadows, where they lead a “shadow existence” until they (re-)report in the form of dis-eases, blockages or even illnesses. For me, the genius of “archetypal medicine” lies in becoming aware of one’s own shadow parts. My own approach to tuning fork therapy is therefore called – as a student of Dahlke – “vibration as a path”.
The book is intended to inspire and encourage people to perceive, feel and, as a result, enjoy themselves in a holistic and all-encompassing way. You also want readers to share in the “gifts from heaven”. What do you mean by this and what are the necessary prerequisites for this?
Hans Cousto: For the astrologer, the constellation of the stars at the time of birth is a gift from heaven for every person. If you set a horoscope to music, exact aspects result in pure intervals. If you listen to your horoscope's musical version, you can discover the pure intervals that produce a strong and clear resonance. You can hear which aspects resonate well with each other and can discover connections in your horoscope that you had not noticed before. This allows you to recognize aspects of your own being that were previously dormant in the dark.
The basic part of “Healing Frequencies” explains in detail and on a scientific basis how cosmic rhythms become perceptible to the human senses. What impact has the “Mystery of the Cosmic Octave” had on science and/or art?
Hans Cousto: The effects of the "Mystery of the Cosmic Octave" could be observed above all in music. The tones of the earth, moon and planets have inspired numerous musicians and composers to create special planetary music. This resulted in compositions for meditations of various kinds, so that meditators can more easily tune into the flow of things - the Tao - when listening to this music. This is associated with an increase in well-being.
The current horoscope musical settings for celebrations during solar eclipses and full moon festivals are also very popular. The annual tone of the earth and the tone of the synodic lunar cycle are particularly used here.
For natural scientists, the resonances of atoms are of particular interest. In particular, the musical setting of hydrogen molecules, which are very harmoniously tuned, has fascinated musicians and physicists alike.
Being in resonance with the cosmic laws and vibrations is the basic condition for (re-)activating inner healing processes. How do you determine that harmony is disturbed and how can balance be restored?
Thomas Künne: I would expand the term "being in resonance" to mean "being open" to vibrations of all kinds, whether cosmic or communicative-earthly in nature. Resonance always means a mutual give and take: on the one hand, "being in resonance" requires openness and receptivity within ourselves to the vibrations that come from outside; on the other hand, it also requires the ability and even necessity to respond with our own inner learning process. Living vibrations within us enable or support a resonant living field in other people and vice versa: they help us to activate our inner healer and our self-healing powers.
At one point it says: "Everything is constantly and changeably in motion and vibration; the only constant certainty is that there is none." Does this seem threatening or rather hopeful to you?
Thomas Künne: Everything in this creation, really everything, is in a constant process of change, from eternity to eternity: evolution, the seasons, the development of Mother Earth, the weather, the tides. Heraclitus put it this way: "The only constant is change," and he is so right! The wonderful thing for us humans is that we can and may consciously participate in this process of change. And: When we ourselves are "in the flow," constant "further development" is not only a necessity, but a gift. The following applies: Life is change, stagnation is death (of the living).
In the practical part of the book, you show easy-to-understand and practical ways in which the knowledge about the archetypes of the planets, the planetary vibrations and the “cosmic octave” can flow into daily life. How can this be implemented in everyday life?
Thomas Künne: In truth, there is no separation between humans and the cosmos if we see ourselves as "cosmic humans". In the book "Healing Frequencies" we also explain: Like the solar system with its planets, we come from the same origin; we are basically "stardust" that entered the cosmos with the Big Bang a very long time ago (14.5 billion years ago). In this respect, it is only a small, conscious step to understand everything around us as part of the bigger picture and to integrate the "gifts" from heaven into our everyday lives for our well-being. The key to this is the archetypes in all their diversity: we learn what is good for us and what is not, and we learn how we can eliminate deficiencies ourselves.
Book tip:
Hans Cousto / Thomas Künne: Healing frequencies. How cosmic vibrations promote our well-being, Mankau Verlag, 1st edition June 2016, paperback, full color, 16 x 22 cm, 256 pages, 20 euros (D) / 20.60 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-246-1
Link recommendations:
More information about the book "Healing Frequencies"
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