“Bar coding combines four symbol worlds into a unique healing system for immediate, intuitive use”
“Bar coding combines four symbol worlds into a unique healing system for immediate, intuitive use”
Interview with the alternative practitioner and vibration therapist Roswitha Stark
"Symbols and signs act like antennas and can absorb and emit healing vibrations. For the Strichcoding healing system, I have brought together Körbler's barcodes, the Chinese I-Ching symbols, Germanic runes and the Gaia codes I developed - with a deliberately round, "feminine" form. Anyone who uses the wonderful energies of these symbols for positive purposes and with appropriate respect can easily and playfully activate them for all concerns and for healing." The alternative practitioner and successful author Roswitha Stark, who has just published her new guide " Strichcoding ", explains her new healing system in an interview.
You have been studying the healing effects of signs, symbols and words for over 15 years. What led you down this path and what were the most amazing experiences you had along the way?
Roswitha Stark: It was actually “coincidence” that led me onto this path when I took a pendulum course in the 1990s and didn’t even know that Erich Körbler’s symbols were also taught. Anyway, an older participant had drawn several lines on his elbow and said that his tennis elbow pain had disappeared since then. I was very surprised, but that was my introduction to the world of signs and symbols, and I really wanted to find out more about them. Since then, I have experienced the craziest things with them: for example, that you can “repair” equipment or get entire herds of animals into a healthy vibration just by visualizing symbols. When animals and small children respond so well to symbols, it still touches me today.
You write that the universe and the earth provided the symbols a long time ago, but that they had largely disappeared from our consciousness. Why is the healing power of symbols being rediscovered today?
Roswitha Stark: When "Ötzi", the millennia-old iceman, was found - at a time when I too had already had more intensive experience with symbols - it was clear to me that the healing system with simple line shapes must be very old and that it can't be a coincidence that it is resurfacing in our modern times. Ötzi had painted acupuncture points and injured parts of the body, and we do the same today in therapeutic practice. For me it is a rediscovery of the healing power of information in the form of "pictures" that is distributed worldwide. The Chinese I Ching is very reminiscent of the simple bar codes that, according to Erich Körbler, are used in modern times, for example, to harmonize electrosmog. Comparable to classical homeopathy, the symbols of "New Homeopathy" are needed today as a way to positively re-tune the body, mind and soul, also and above all because neither has any harmful side effects.
The new book “Strichcoding” combines Gaia codes, I Ching symbols, runes and Körbler symbols to create an intuitively usable healing system. What makes these symbols so effective?
Roswitha Stark: We live in a world of images and shapes, and many of these shapes, such as a tree, are also antennas that receive and transmit information. Every tree has a positive pole at its crown and a negative pole at the bottom, just like humans. Both are antennas. A simple line expresses this in a reduced way. Life flows between the two poles, we live in a polar world, and I see flow as health, rigidity and stagnation as "illness". I have been working with Körbler's bar codes for a long time, and since the I Ching symbols are very similar, it was very obvious to integrate these wonderful symbols into my healing system. The runes, as our own cultural heritage, also quickly and emphatically suggested themselves for the bar coding book. That was a real challenge for me, since there are many, sometimes quite hair-raising stories surrounding them. Once these are removed, the runes are simply brilliant and extremely powerful for healing purposes. I developed the Gaia Codes as a “feminine” addition with a deliberately “rounded” design.
The Germanic runes, as well as many other symbols from different cultures, have been misused for political and negative purposes - as you have just mentioned. How is it possible to free these symbols from their stigma and return them to their original meaning or positive uses?
Roswitha Stark: The runes showed me that they are powerful and that is precisely why they were and are used by people who want to use them in a selfish way, for example to gain power. That cannot and must not be the intention of healers. I was looking for a tool to be able to cleanse symbols of harmful attachments and found this in the five Platonic solids and in the power of the elements. Anyone can carry out such a "cleansing" themselves with a visualization ritual and thus return every symbol to its original state of power and light.
The 144 characters in your new book should be able to be used without any prior knowledge or special testing procedures. What prerequisites should laypeople or therapists have in order to use them effectively?
Roswitha Stark: Actually, you don't need any special prerequisites to work with the system. However, important conditions for me are that the user has a correct ethical attitude and respect for these wonderful energies in symbolic form. Then the symbols will happily work with us for our intentions and we can activate them playfully and easily for any concern.
Especially with the soul messages, you encourage people to literally read “between the lines.” How should we understand that?
Roswitha Stark: It is a basic need of us humans to want to know what the selected symbol "means". I understand that and I don't do it any other way. Despite all the intuition, the mind also wants to be satisfied. In "Barcoding" I provide a soul message for people to read, but I also encourage people to "read between the lines" in order to get to the primal matrix, the "big space" or the Tao that connects us all and in which we can feel or sense the actual message that is only intended for us. I find that very beautiful.
The book comes with a large-format poster with all the symbols presented. How can you best use this in practice?
Roswitha Stark: The poster is the actual selection aid for each symbol. You can use it completely intuitively without any test system. I simply think of my complaint or concern and imagine a number between 1 and 12 and a letter between A and L, for example K3. In the corresponding field I can see which symbol I should use. Then I activate the symbol with a simple ritual that is described in the book, read the message, including between the lines, and can also use certain affirmations to strengthen and stabilize the effectiveness.
Book tip:
Roswitha Stark: Bar coding. 144 powerful healing symbols for immediate use, with A2 poster for easy use! Mankau Verlag, 1st edition April 2016, paperback, colour, 223 pages, 17.95 euros (D) / 18.50 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-284-3
Web tip:
Recently online: www.heilen-mit-symbolen.info . On this page you will find interesting information, tips and practical examples about healing work with symbols from our experts Christina Baumann , Petra Neumayer and Roswitha Stark in a compact form.
Link recommendations:
- More information about the guide "Barcoding"
- To the reading sample in PDF format
- More about the author Roswitha Stark
- To the website "Healing with Symbols"
- To the Internet forum with Roswitha Stark