“Tuning fork balancing heals and protects us!”
“Tuning fork balancing heals and protects us!”
Interview with phonophoresis expert Thomas Künne and specialist in general medicine and naturopathy Dr. med. Patricia Nischwitz
"We humans are energy beings, and we are only completely healthy when our life energy can flow freely and undisturbed through our organism. Here, the vibration of the tuning forks acts like a prompter: Even this gentle impulse can be enough to activate our self-healing powers and thus dissolve blockages and complaints. And in the sense of 'salutogenesis', the maintenance of health, the tuning fork applications harmonize the flow of energy and stabilize body, mind and soul." The vibration therapist Thomas Künne and the general practitioner Dr. med. Patricia Nischwitz, who have compiled a wide range of balancing and background knowledge in their new paperback "Tuning Fork Therapy" , are convinced that everyone can stimulate the right acupuncture points themselves with the help of the vibrating tuning fork and do so much for their health and well-being."
The new book on tuning fork therapy contains the essence or a "best of" all the works on this healing method published by Mankau Verlag to date. Who are you targeting with this practical book?
Künne: Our stated aim when writing was to offer both beginners and experienced and experienced "tuning practitioners" a wide range of balancing and understandable background knowledge. In this paperback we are also devoting ourselves for the first time to the meridians of animals (dogs, cats and horses), as this gentle healing method is good for all living beings and helps to resolve imbalances.
Many of your books are introduced with a foreword by Dr. Ruediger Dahlke. What is the thematic relationship between tuning fork therapy and his concepts?
Dr. Nischwitz: With his findings on "archetypal medicine," Dr. Ruediger Dahlke has now presented a highly recognized body of work that does not remain on the surface of the symptoms of mood swings and illnesses, but looks deeper into the cause. He asks which parts (archetypes) of us are not lived and thus slip into the shadow of the illness. Tuning fork therapy is closely linked to "archetypal medicine," especially since Thomas Künne is a student of Dr. Ruediger Dahlke. It helps to activate our "inner healer," i.e. our self-healing powers, to become aware of blockages and to dissolve them.
Our modern (working) world means that we are becoming increasingly distant from our inner selves and therefore from our desires, feelings and self-healing powers. What can we all do about this?
Künne: The following applies: "If we are not at home within ourselves, we are not at home anywhere!" In concrete terms, this means: If I spend most of my time outside, the inside of our body becomes increasingly deserted and our immune system weakens until it collapses. Tuning fork therapy with its healing vibrations is predestined to establish an effective protective cover for the increasing demands of external "reality" through resonance with the inner healer.
You assume that "out of tune" and illness are always connected to a disturbed resonance or communication. What does this mean, and what role does the tuning fork play in healing?
Künne: Through external impulses using a tuning fork (via the ear, chakras, meridians or acupuncture points) we help to (re-)activate areas of our body that have been neglected or pushed into the shadows. Basically, this is comparable to the help of a prompter: often one impulse is enough to get stalled communication flowing again. Because deep down we know what is good for us and what is not.
In your book you differentiate between “pathogenesis” and “salutogenesis”. What do these two terms mean and how do they relate to “phonophoresis”?
Dr. Nischwitz: Pathogenesis describes the development and progression of an illness. This means: I want to know what I have to do to get healthy again. Salutogenesis, on the other hand, describes how health develops and how it can be maintained. This raises the question: What can I do to stay healthy? Well, in both cases you can do something; logically, however, our organism has much less work to do to maintain a good state than to reverse a bad one. Our body is actually very clever and knows what it has to do and what it needs, but we often do not want or cannot "listen" to what our system is telling us and instead block it. Therefore, we need a kind of activator; the idea behind tuning fork therapy is to give our body system an impulse to work as optimally as possible, to heal itself or to regulate itself harmoniously by activating acupuncture points. In contrast to classic acupuncture with needles, tuning fork balancing (phonophoresis) can be easily carried out by yourself and represents a very gentle stimulus.
The suggested balancings support self-help. However, you warn against using them carelessly without consulting an experienced doctor or alternative practitioner. For which illnesses is tuning fork therapy not advisable?
Dr. Nischwitz: In principle, tuning fork therapy cannot cause any harm. However, in individual cases, even the gentle stimulus may be too much for the organism and symptoms may worsen. In this case, the therapy must be adapted to the individual or a different form of therapy must be chosen. Our warning, however, is primarily about not believing that everything can be cured with the tuning fork alone; serious illnesses such as diabetes or cancer must of course be treated with the appropriate, necessary medical treatment. But even in these cases, the organism can be supported with the help of gentle balancing.
When describing various symptoms from A like allergies to Z like toothache, you also shed light on the symbolism associated with them. What deeper meaning can typical everyday complaints have?
Künne: We humans are energy beings and the physical body is practically the shell. This means that if our life energy - in Chinese Qi or Chi - can flow freely and harmoniously, then we are healthy all around, both physically and mentally. Conversely, constriction, blockages and a build-up of this energy manifest themselves in discomfort and even illnesses, first in the mental and then in the physical area. Unfortunately, our conventional medicine, whose success I do not wish to diminish, often has too superficial a perspective on this. It mainly looks for "errors" (in the broadest sense) in the structure; usually only what is measurable or countable counts. Unfortunately, there is a lack of understanding of the holistic connections, precisely because these are not measurable and we cannot yet grasp many things with our senses. I admit that it took me years to understand this myself. But it makes sense to ask: What is this illness or complaint actually trying to tell me? Sometimes it is quite obvious, sometimes it is deeply hidden. We would like to give suggestions for thought, especially when certain complaints keep recurring. Because here there is the opportunity to work on the cause – once you have identified it.
The vibration of the tuning fork provides a form of therapy that is as gentle as it is effective, like traditional Chinese medicine. What are the connections between these holistic approaches and what are the differences?
Künne: TCM has the holistic view mentioned above; there is no separation between body and soul. This is also our basis when we work with the tuning fork. As already mentioned above, the free flow of energy is the prerequisite for health. The vibration of the tuning fork is intended to achieve a corresponding harmonization of the flow of energy through the system. We use the acupuncture points from Chinese medicine, which have proven to be extremely effective through thousands of years of experience.
Dr. Nischwitz: And here we have the difference to the Chinese treatment method: Chinese medicine is effective, but not necessarily gentle. In China, the points are pricked or heated and thus sometimes massively manipulated; the number of points treated is also many times higher than in our country. For us Western Europeans, this intensity of stimulation is often too much and our system can collapse. We are much better served with gentler forms of stimulation, then our organism can react and ideally adjust to a vibration that is optimal for it.
Book tip:
Thomas Künne and Dr. med. Patricia Nischwitz: Tuning fork therapy. Healing knowledge and practical applications. With a foreword by Dr. Ruediger Dahlke. Mankau Verlag 2015, paperback, 9.95 euros (D) / 10.30 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-249-2.
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