Shamanic ancestral work
In this way we reconcile ourselves with our ancestors, experience their support and receive their groundbreaking gifts
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1st edition November 2021, paperback
13.5 x 21.5 cm, 206 pages
− With strong roots you reach for the stars −
This book is a wake-up call from an experienced future ancestor who brings us back to awareness of our connection with our ancestors. She shows that our ancestors pass on to us not only their strengths and talents but also their pain, hardships and illnesses and that we now, at this time, have the privilege of freeing ourselves from the burdens of our ancestors.
Instead, we can discover the enormous potential that lies in this connection: By receiving their good heritage, the strengths that they have developed along the way, as their gifts to us, we also receive groundbreaking tasks that can lead us to our destiny and to a fulfilled life. The support of our ancestors, their assistance and their blessing accompany us on all our paths.
"A few years ago I did an ancestral constellation with Bianka Seidl, which has been an insightful experience for me to this day. At the time she said that she was working on a book. Now it is clear what she was working on, and I am pleased that the subject of 'shamanic ancestral work' is being put on a comprehensive and well-thought-out basis. For someone like me who wants to understand what is happening, it is a good presentation of the connections. Worth reading after an ancestral constellation, in order to see the experience in a larger context. Also worth reading for people who would like to do an ancestral constellation, but are still hesitant because they are unsure of the kind of experience they are embarking on. Bianka Seidl writes in a fluent language and includes her own experiences and those of clients. At the same time, it is well structured, so that I can read up on specific aspects. In short: for me, this book has the potential to become a classic and standard work for shamanic ancestral work. And at the same time it is highly topical, because our current thoughts and feelings were shaped by the thoughts and feelings of our ancestors. Thanks to Bianka Seidl's work, we can deal with this more independently."
Dr. Jochen Schwarz, physicist
"With her book 'Shamanic Ancestral Work', Bianka Maria Seidl opened my eyes to how closely we are connected to our own ancestors and the great impact they have on our current lives. She sheds light on how the original traditions valued their ancestors as an important part of life, so that they could draw their full strength from this connection - and how, over the course of history, this connection was increasingly pushed into the background or even suppressed. She shares her own amazing experiences, gives valuable insights into modern science, ancient cultures and the ancestors in the here and now, and enriches the readers with special exercises. Her book has inspired me and I believe will inspire many people to reconnect with their own ancestors and to accept the responsibility of resolving unresolved issues and thus freeing the generations before and after."
Francis Herdes, bestselling author and international wellness and aroma expert
"A masterpiece! (...)"
Max Freiburger, relationship coach
"(...) I was particularly touched by the reminder that not only we ourselves, but also our ancestors had dreams that sometimes remained unfulfilled. I like the idea of making one or two shared dreams become reality - even if a little later. Thank you for this highly inspiring and lively book."
Helene Griebe, Vitalizer. Speaker. Artist.
"(...) I thank my ancestors for their strength every morning, I consciously call this strength to myself and feel how it carries me powerfully into my future. Thank you very much, dear Bianka, for this valuable book on the subject of ancestors."
Christine Braunmiller, Qi Gong and body therapy, coach
"A really highly recommended book! Ms. Seidl manages to convey a very complex and valuable topic in an emotional and factual way at the same time. Anyone looking for answers to various life issues should definitely read this book! Bianka Seidl shares many practical and valuable exercises paired with reports of experiences. It is easy to read and encourages positive reflection."
Helena Hullmann, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, hypnosis master and coach
"(...) A very important book that I can only recommend."
Uta Benedict, alternative practitioner for pediatrics, author, stage speaker and life coach
Also available: Audio CD Shamanic Ancestral Work – Guided Journeys with Drum Accompaniment

Three guided inner journeys will lead you step by step to an encounter with your ancestors. You will experience your connection to them in a living way and can discover the potential that lies in your connection. To the audio CD...
PDF download: Ancestral info card

This card is designed to illustrate what essentially connects you with a generation. This way you can internalize this connection and access the good that lies in it at any time. Download the PDF...
Additional info
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Anleitung aus dem Umschlag des Buchs „Schamanische Ahnenarbeit”.
Eine weitere Art, dich spielerisch mit deinen Vorfahren zu beschäftigen, ist ein Kartenspiel, das du dir gemäß dem gezeigten Beispiel selbst gestalten kannst.
Hierfür nimmst du dir sieben kleine Karteikärtchen. Auf eine Seite schreibst du die Generation (von 1 bis 7), die Ahnengabe und die Auf-Gabe. Die andere Seite bleibt unbeschriftet. Nimm noch eine achte Karte dazu, diese bleibt völlig frei. Sie dient als Joker und bedeutet, dass du das Ganze auch mal ruhen lassen kannst.
Ich mache selbst gute Erfahrungen mit dem Spiel, indem ich zum Beispiel nach einer Meditation die Karten mische und verdeckt mit der unbeschrifteten Seite nach oben auslege. Dann sammle ich mich innerlich und fokussiere mich auf die Frage: Welche Generation begleitet mich in der kommenden Woche mit ihren Gaben? Während ich meine linke Hand fühlend über die kleinen Karten führe, achte ich auf einen intuitiven Impuls und ziehe dann die entsprechende Karte.
Sie begleitet mich dann während der Woche. Morgens, bevor ich den Tag beginne, verbinde ich mich kurz gedanklich mit dieser Generation. Meine Absicht wirkt hier verbindend. Während des Tages achte ich darauf, bei welcher Gelegenheit ich die Gabe meiner Ahnen einsetzen und sie als Aufgabe leben kann. Anfangs ist es hilfreich, abends zu reflektieren, wo es tagsüber solch eine Gelegenheit gegeben hat. Allein durch dieses Reflektieren wächst die Chance darauf, beim nächsten Mal eine Gelegenheit frühzeitig zu erkennen und die Gaben der Ahnen nutzen zu können.
Während du dich wöchentlich mit einer anderen Generation beschäftigst, lernst du, die Gaben abzurufen, wenn du sie brauchst, und sie als Auf-Gaben zu leben. So gewinnt dein Leben mehr und mehr an Orientierung und Ausrichtung. Die Verbindung zu deinen Ahnen wird stärker, und du erfreust dich eines Wohlstands, den du vorher in dieser Form nicht gekannt hast.
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