Healing without medication
Chronic diseases: uncover psychological causes and get healthy. Self-coaching in ten steps
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4th edition June 2019, paperback
12 x 19 cm, 197 pp.
Allergies, migraines, sleep disorders and even cancer - many chronic illnesses have psychological rather than physical causes and can be eliminated simply by uncovering and "reinterpreting" them. With this depth-psychological approach, Andreas Winter has been combining established medicine with spiritual science for many years and has successfully treated thousands of sufferers.
This is by no means "esoteric" or "miracle healing", but a strictly scientific procedure that clearly distinguishes between the body and the psyche. Like the software of a computer, the psyche is a complex of information that influences the "hardware", i.e. the body. Instead of using medication to treat mere symptoms in vain, the aim is to identify the biographical background of psychosomatic complaints. If the "psyche algorithm" is understood and the deeper meaning of the illness is made clear to the affected person, the symptoms often disappear within a short time.
The updated and completely revised paperback edition uses the latest findings and astonishing case studies to show how knowledge of the true causes alone can lead to healing - often after just one conversation and without the need for a doctor.
Find out for yourself what is behind your illness and regain control of your health!
With link to video coaching.
- Completely revised and updated paperback edition of the successful title of the same name! -
Still available as a download (2.49€): Start-up CD of the psychocoaching guide "Healing without medication. How chronic illnesses can easily disappear again".
To the download portal →
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