Uwe Dolata
Uwe Dolata (born 1956), a graduate in public administration and chief detective responsible for white-collar crime, began his career as a foreign trade clerk. He then completed training as a police and criminal investigator, studied administrative law at the University of Applied Sciences and, "to broaden his horizons", studied sociology, philosophy and politics at the University of Würzburg.
Since the early 1990s, he has devoted himself to corruption. Countless publications and lecture tours at home and abroad as well as television and radio broadcasts followed. Since the winter semester of 2004, he has held the teaching position "Anti-Corruption Strategies in the German Economic System" in the Business Administration Department at Würzburg University of Applied Sciences, the first of its kind in Germany.
He is a volunteer city councilor in Würzburg, where his main focus is corruption prevention. For the same reason, he is a member of Transparency International (TI), Business Crime Control (BCC) and the International Police Association (IPA) and is the spokesman for the Bavarian regional association of the Association of German Criminal Investigators (BDK). In the 1990s, he wrote an "addiction classic" with his autobiography "Stations of a Rebirth - Addiction as an Opportunity".