Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer
Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer (born 1951) is a qualified teacher with additional training in color and Gestalt therapy. He has been teaching the "art of seeing" since 1981, and since 1991 he has headed the Visiovital Institute for Vision Training in Bad Vilbel ( www.institut-fuer-sehtraining.de ) and offers international seminars and course leader training. From 1996 to 1999, as part of the "Work and Vision" research program of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, he developed preventive measures for people with high levels of visual strain at work. Since then, he has been running this program as a seminar called "Eye School - Healthy Vision at Work" in many companies and authorities.
Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer was a lecturer at the University of Hanover for many years and has been a lecturer at the Academy of Healthy Living in Oberursel since 1991. He also works as a sculptor ( www.hätscher-rosenbauer-skulpturen.de ) and is the author of several books and self-help programs.
Internetseite von Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer
Interview mit Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer
https://www.mankau-verlag.de/Interview-Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer