Angelika Countess Wolffskeel of Reichenberg
Angelika Countess Wolffskeel von Reichenberg is a naturopath, psychological counselor and vice president of the Biochemical Association of Germany (BBD) eV She is known throughout Germany as a charismatic speaker and author with extensive medical training. Her lectures, which she gives as a speaker for the BBD and in collaboration with pharmacies, are extremely well attended, with up to 400 visitors.
Her main focus in recent years has been on the topics of "healthy nutrition" and "biochemistry according to Dr. Schüßler". Her other areas of work include classical and creative homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler, energetic therapy, foot reflexology, spinal therapy according to Dorn/Breuss, iris diagnosis, TCM, Ayurveda and nutritional advice.
In addition, Countess Wolffskeel is a lecturer for the Free Association of German Alternative Practitioners (FVDH) for biochemistry according to Dr. Schüßler and director of the SURYA alternative practitioner school in Reichenberg near Würzburg, where she works as a lecturer specializing in the digestive organs, metabolism and biochemistry according to Dr. Schüßler. SURYA offers part-time, adult-friendly training to become an alternative practitioner in a two-year cycle.
Internetseite von Angelika Countess Wolffskeel of Reichenberg
Interview mit Angelika Countess Wolffskeel of Reichenberg
https://www.mankau-verlag.de/Interview-Angelika Countess Wolffskeel of Reichenberg