“Numerous scientific studies now prove the fatal consequences of 5G!” Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner calls for support of the EU citizens’ initiative “Stop (((5G)))”
“Numerous scientific studies now prove the fatal consequences of 5G!” Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner calls for support of the EU citizens’ initiative “Stop (((5G)))”
"We must now pull the ripcord and drastically reduce mobile phone radiation": The Munich physicist, former MEP and author Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner calls on citizens to sign the European Citizens' Initiative " Stop (((5G))) - connected but protected ". In order for it to be successful, it must be supported by 1 million EU citizens by February 2023. Even the study " Health impact of 5G " published on behalf of the EU Parliament in June 2021 clearly demonstrated the risks of the new mobile phone generation. The EU Parliament must now finally draw the consequences.
EU Parliament’s STOA study provides “alarming evidence and indications”
The Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Committee is an organisation of the European Parliament dealing with science and technology assessment. In its study "Health impact of 5G" by Dr. Fiorella Belpoggi et al., the Committee attempted to reflect the current state of knowledge on the effects of 5G mobile phone radiation on health, as derived from epidemiological studies and experimental in vivo studies.
The study distinguishes between the frequency bands used to date between 0.7 and 3.6 GHz and the higher frequencies from around 24 GHz. "There are sufficient scientific studies available for the low frequencies. They state that the carcinogenic effect of radio radiation has been clearly proven in animal experiments, even below the limit values," says Buchner. According to the STOA study, however, there is only strong evidence of this in humans, but no irrefutable proof.
According to Buchner, these in turn exist for the disruption of male fertility. And although the evidence for disruption of female fertility is not yet sufficient, "radio radiation may also have a negative effect on the development of embryos, fetuses and newborns," Buchner summarizes the results of the STOA study. The study sees a great need for research into the higher frequencies. Since serious damage to humans and animals cannot be ruled out here either, it recommends special precautionary measures, above all reducing radiation and revising the limit values.
Buchner: “STOA study has confirmed facts”
"My assessment of the STOA study is that it didn't bring anything really new. The facts were known to experts, and the STOA study confirmed them," said Buchner. But it was important to bring this to the attention of the European Parliament, even if the study only dealt with the carcinogenic and reproductive development risks associated with 5G. "Now no one can claim they didn't know anything."
It is to be feared that most EU MPs have not yet dealt with the STOA study and will probably not do so again. There was a discussion in parliament about the increased cancer incidence, in which Saarland ÖDP MP Manuela Ripa also mentioned radio radiation as one of the causes. "But that received little attention. I have the impression that the influence of industry is very strong," criticizes Buchner, who was himself a member of the European Parliament from 2014 to 2020.
Needs 1 million signatures: EU citizens’ initiative “ Stop (((5G))) ”
The STOA study was limited to the effects of 5G radio radiation on cancer, fertility problems and the development of embryos and newborns. "But there are also many other effects of radio radiation," warns the expert. Addressing them all would have required much more extensive work. The conclusion from the study and from countless scientific papers is, either way, "that our limits must be radically reduced so that people's radiation exposure is significantly reduced," Buchner states.
As co-founder of the European Citizens' Initiative "Stop (((5G))) - connected but protected", which was launched on March 1, 2022, the physicist is calling on all citizens of the European Union to support it. There are three goals: first, protecting all life from high-frequency, non-ionizing radiation; second, protecting the environment from all effects of 5G and digitalization; and third, protecting our privacy. He has taken a detailed position on all of these points in his book "5G Madness", published in 2021 together with the physician Dr. Monika Krout.
"The expansion of 5G technology is now in full swing. We don't have much time left." And Buchner emphasizes: "The numerous associations and experts who support the European Citizens' Initiative are not enemies of technology. We are solely concerned with mobile communications that are healthy, environmentally friendly and compliant with data protection."
More about the European Citizens’ Initiative (runs until 1 March 2023):
EU Citizens’ Initiative “Stop (((5G))) – connected but protected”: www.signstop5g.eu
Book tip:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner / Dr. med. Monika Krout: 5G madness . The risks of mobile communications - The dangerous game with the limits - The low-radiation alternatives. Mankau Verlag 2021, paperback 13.5 x 21.5 cm, 255 pages, 16.95 euros (D) / 17.50 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-608-7
Recommended links:
On the EU Citizens’ Initiative “Stop (((5G)))”
On the STOA study of the EU Parliament “Health impact of 5G” (PDF in English)
More information about the book “5G Madness”
To the reading sample in PDF format
More about author Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner
More about author Dr. med. Monika Krout
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