Turning back the biological clock: Andreas Winter's anti-aging guide is now available as a paperback and as an audio book with audio coaching
Turning back the biological clock: Andreas Winter's anti-aging guide is now available as a paperback and as an audio book with audio coaching
The well-known qualified teacher Andreas Winter , director of one of the largest coaching institutes in Germany, is back with a revised new edition of his psychocoaching title “Anti-Aging”: “ The Psychology of Staying Young ” is a provocative and well-founded plea for regaining the power to shape one’s own life.
What is the difference?
It seems to be a well-known fact that old age is only a matter of time, its teeth constantly gnawing at everything and everyone, and that at some point we will surely be struck by frailty and illness. But why are some people still on the sunny side of life in old age and full of vitality enjoying all its pleasures, while others deteriorate physically and mentally at an early age and become resigned?
The difference lies not only in personal disposition or the respective environmental conditions, but mainly in the way of life and especially in the attitude towards life of each individual. Fears, worries, stress and false beliefs are the factors that significantly influence the aging process; this is the claim of Andreas Winter, who has been helping clients from all over the world for many years through precise depth psychological analyses to free themselves from supposedly chronic ailments or addictive vices.
With surprising and entertaining insights, but also astonishing case studies from his coaching practice, Winter shows how everyone can stop the aging process and reawaken their inner spring. The audio book , narrated by the author himself, includes the unabridged content of the book of the same name as well as a meditative audio coaching session.
Aging versus maturing
According to Andreas Winter, aging is a physiological degeneration, a process that ends in decay. He sees maturing, on the other hand, as morphological evolution, a constant improvement in the possibility of being. Mature would therefore be the optimum of an existence and old its demise. If we follow this attempted definition, we get: "As long as you mature, you do not age; if you age, you no longer develop optimally."
We age from the moment our maturity is limited. To understand this clearly, however, we must differentiate between the body and what animates it: its psyche. Our thoughts affect the body - no matter how unconscious they may be. It is not the body that ages, but our subconscious thinking that makes it age!
With his promising depth psychological approach, the qualified teacher has already successfully combated persistent ailments and vices such as smoking, obesity and psychosomatic illnesses.
Only when control over one's own emotions is regained can the aging process be stopped. Because many supposedly age-related symptoms are only symbolic symptoms with which a tortured soul cries out for help.
Think differently, live differently
Even aging has a "soft" component that can be changed. Apart from real life-threatening situations such as accidents, viruses, radiation or toxins, Winter believes that subjective well-being is the only thing that determines whether someone gets sick or not.
In his usual provocative manner, Andreas Winter shows how you can get your life back in perspective with a little analysis and reflection. He counters the widespread myths and medical remedies against the supposedly inevitable aging process with a committed plea: Man is not just a lump of flesh, blood and bones, but a miracle that is animated by his own self. He already has everything he needs to live a very long and healthy life - we just shouldn't block it. This is the key to a contented society that neither sinks into youth obsession nor burdens future generations with unbearable burdens as a soulless zombie.
“ The Psychology of Staying Young ” shows that our psyche plays a decisive role in how quickly we age and what options and tools we can use to defy the seemingly unchangeable laws of aging. Because knowledge is power and therefore a powerful tool for staying young for a long time.
Book tip:
Andreas Winter: The psychology of staying young. How to turn back your biological clock. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition February 2022, paperback, 12 x 19 cm, 190 pages, 12.00 euros (D) / 12.40 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-649-0
Audiobook tip:
Andreas Winter: The psychology of staying young. How to turn back your biological clock. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition February 2022, 1 MP3 CD in jewel case, total running time approx. 342 minutes, 8-page booklet, 18.00 euros RRP (D/A), ISBN 978-3-86374-648-3
Link recommendations:
More information about the paperback “The Psychology of Staying Young”
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More information about the audio book "The Psychology of Staying Young"
More about author Andreas Winter
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