From ego to self: “The power of true love” by Claus Walter shows the way to fulfillment free from romantic idealization
From ego to self: “The power of true love” by Claus Walter shows the way to fulfillment free from romantic idealization
Whether in films, magazines or songs - stories of true love are told again and again and the longing for it is kept alive, while at the same time it is presented as a utopia. Based on his own insights and experiences, Claus Walter develops a comprehensive concept in his book " The Power of True Love " that not only determines the life of man, but also that of his entire environment.
Personal growth and visibility
After the two books “ Heart Resonance Coaching ” (2016) and “ Foreign Energies ” (2019), the business and health consultant Claus Walter is now presenting his new work with Mankau Verlag. “ The Power of True Love ” is the final part of a trilogy based on the “b5 formula” (invigorate, move, liberate, inspire, enrich) developed by Walter.
The first two books deal intensively with the clarification and neutralization of blocking causes of suffering or unhappiness in a person's life. Walter now wants to continue the neutralization work with further insights into the meaning and unique effectiveness of true love: "This is intended to accompany you in strengthening your personal growth and visibility. This growth and visibility are fed by the source of true love - the basis for everyone and everything in life." Especially in the current Corona crisis and a comprehensive "climate change", it is time to address the different forms of love in honor, consideration and respect for true love and to support this with examples from coaching or with practical life contributions.
The meaning of “true love”
In contrast to many other love guides, Claus Walter emphasizes that his book is based exclusively on natural laws, natural forces and the higher powers behind them and was written free of any religion and neutral in all directions. Love is therefore the basis of all things and all existence, an intangible energy with great power and effect. From the perspective of quantum physics, it is information that manifests itself in a very positive energy, vibration and resonance.
Love can be located in the core, in the heart, the center of feelings. If love is given to a person or being from outside, or if a person activates their self-love, this "love information" generates an extremely strong and positive force, often also a healing force. The basic tenor of love is to create a harmony of freedom, self-determination, harmony and balance. The basis for the development of true love is the triad of personal development: It leads from clearing ("coming to terms with yourself, clarifying the causes") to a clear personal reorientation ("What is my personal calling? What is my vision in life?") and finally to growth and the associated external visibility.
About self-love for us
The whole world is currently undergoing major upheaval and change. Many problems can only be solved together, and the selfish approach of states and cultures, institutions, companies and elites, families and even individuals is no longer appropriate. The current transformation process towards true love, humanity, respectful and appreciative behavior towards fellow human beings as well as towards nature, the economy and finances requires us to get involved in this new era.
According to Walter, self-love is the first step away from egoism and towards altruism: "See self-love as your personal key, which you always carry with you on your journey through life. With it, you can open up many new possibilities and spaces in your life. There is immense potential there that would otherwise remain closed because you yourself are closed." Only those who feel love for themselves can pass it on to others. Only a person who respects, respects and honours themselves is able to pass love on to other people or receive it from them. This brings emotional stability; and active self-love appears natural, human and authentic to the outside world.
Book tip:
Claus Walter: The power of true love. From the ego to the self: The path to fulfillment. Mankau Verlag 2021, paperback, 16 x 22 cm, full color, 174 pp., 16.95 euros (D) / 17.50 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-602-5.
Link recommendations:
More information about the book “The Power of True Love”
To the reading sample in PDF format
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