Update for the self
Update for the self
"Self-coaching with symbols" helps to resolve blockages, discover potential and achieve goals more easily
Healing work with numbers and symbols dissolves blocking issues and brings them out of the shadows into the light. With the help of the symbol disc, which combines the moon and sun sides, Petra Neumayer shows ways to develop one's own potential and achieve self-realization in her guide "Self-coaching with symbols" .
Healing "Update"
Medical journalist and author Petra Neumayer has been working with symbols and their healing effects for over ten years. Her work with "New Homeopathy", which gave rise to the book series "Medicine to Paint on", also inspired the idea of a symbol disc that can be used as an effective tool for self-coaching.
"Working with the symbol disk is a kind of update for our system," says the author - similar to how space is created for new things on a hard drive, our subconscious can also be "reprogrammed" by first deleting an old belief and then replacing it with a new, positive one. On one side - the "moon side" - the focus is first directed to the subconscious, where blockages can prevent plans or visions from being implemented. Once these blockages have been resolved, the symbols on the "sunny side" help to achieve or manifest goals more easily.
The language of the soul and the universe
In all times and cultures, symbols have exerted a great fascination on people because they transport the immaterial, the "invisible", the "spirit of things", into the visible - and the soul apparently understands its language, even if the mind does not yet understand its message. Symbols can compress complex information to its smallest denominator. As mediators between the inner and outer world, they play an outstanding role in activating the body's self-healing powers. Working with symbols as the "language of the soul and the universe" therefore often reaches mental and spiritual dimensions and thus promotes therapy at the causal level. Symbols are even the language basis of the brain, confirm new research in neurology.
The disc is the primordial symbol of humanity. The round circle symbolizes the sun and the full moon in perfection. The circle stands for wholeness and perfection; it has no beginning and no end. The symbol of the disc is therefore ideal for representing the two sides of a coin, the polarities: yin and yang, sun and moon, black and white, conscious and unconscious. The symbols shown help to activate the body's own self-healing mechanisms and give the organism an impulse, information, so that it can bring everything back to its original state of balance and thus health.
Self-healing through reflection
Anyone who wants to heal should learn to reflect on their life. This attitude also increases the willingness to heal and thus increases the chances of healing. The first step in self-coaching is therefore to become clear about the extent to which you are stuck in a situation. This begins the search for clues as to whether there are blockages that prevent us from achieving our goals. Working with the symbol disc is particularly valuable when the same thing keeps "happening" to you in life or when, for some inexplicable reason, things just don't work out. In order to move forward in life, you first have to shine a light on the blockages; they have to be recognized or even unmasked. This may often be a painful process, but afterward you will have great freedom, a creative life and the development of your true potential.
Self-coaching means leading yourself to success and happiness. And the symbol disc with its two sides, with its lunar and solar energy, is intended to support you on this path by helping you find individual solutions, even in crisis situations. Self-coaching, reflection on yourself and working with the symbol disc act as a triad that can bring your own life melody back into harmony with your soul energy.
Book tip:
Petra Rosa Neumayer: Self-coaching with symbols. The healing work with the symbol disc. • Resolve blockages • Achieve life goals more easily • Support healing energetically. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition October 2015. Fold-out brochure with enclosed symbol disc (∅ 15 cm), full color, 16x 22 cm, 127 pages, 16.95 euros (D) / 17.50 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-243-0.
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