Pregnancy and birth as a treasure hunt: “HypnoBirthing. The practical book” by Julia and Dr. Matthias Maak unlocks the full potential of the original method
Pregnancy and birth as a treasure hunt: “HypnoBirthing. The practical book” by Julia and Dr. Matthias Maak unlocks the full potential of the original method
HypnoBirthing according to Marie F. Mongan shows the natural way to a self-determined and relaxed birth. The new guide " HypnoBirthing. The practical guide " by Julia Maak and Dr. Matthias Maak shows step by step how the proven HypnoBirthing techniques can be individually adapted to your own preferences and needs.
For relaxed, fear-free and self-determined births
Marie F. Mongan has left the world a valuable treasure with " HypnoBirthing ". It was her dream to help as many women as possible to have a safe, gentle and easy birth experience using self-hypnosis. Her original method has spread worldwide since 1990 and has proven to be a safe method. In German-speaking countries, too, her original HypnoBirthing book and the HypnoBirthing courses from the HypnoBirthing Society Europe (HBGE) have already helped thousands of women and their partners to prepare for and give birth to their children in a relaxed and fear-free manner.
It is the dream of the committed and well-connected author couple Julia and Matthias Maak to use their practical book to better support many expectant families in discovering the full potential of Marie Mongan's HypnoBirthing treasure in order to benefit from it as much as possible: "We saw the need to write an appealing and modern practical book on the original work that is easy to read and lovingly illustrated in color." Ten handy practical cards with self-tests, flexible training plans and other useful tools also offer optimal preparation for a relaxed pregnancy and birth.
Keys to a natural birth experience
Julia Maak, managing partner of HypnoBirthing Gesellschaft Europa GmbH and mother of four, is the official successor to the HypnoBirthing trainer for German-speaking countries who was appointed by Marie F. Mongan († 2019); her husband Matthias, private lecturer and specialist in surgery, supports the HBGE as a voluntary scientific advisor. As parents and experts, they see pregnancy and birth with HypnoBirthing as a fascinating treasure hunt. This method has the potential to "bring you a lot of anticipation, self-confidence, self-determination, a strengthened partnership and an intensive bond with your baby and deeply anchored relaxation, and at the end to give you your baby as a reward."
HypnoBirthing works regardless of the birth location and takes away parents' fears of the unknown, of losing control and of pain. HypnoBirthing aims to encourage expectant parents to activate their intuition and use it for their own benefit. A simple basic understanding of the natural, physical processes involved in a spontaneous birth can be a great help for expectant parents. It gives mothers in particular security and confidence in their own physical abilities and strengths. "With HypnoBirthing you will learn how to best support your natural, healthy physical birth process with the various HypnoBirthing techniques," promise the authors.
Positive change and loving connection
The aim of all HypnoBirthing self-hypnosis exercises is for the parents-to-be to feel comfortable, empowered and self-determined, so that they can initiate positive change within themselves and thereby anchor new, beneficial beliefs. Confidence in oneself and one's own abilities will grow more and more through the HypnoBirthing process; at the same time, you will learn how to teach the mind and body to anchor deep relaxation and endorphin release through continuous training.
A special feature of HypnoBirthing is the fact that it is assumed that the partners are already parents during the pregnancy; they do not have to wait until the child is born to be or become parents. Those who talk to the baby repeatedly during the pregnancy, send loving thoughts to it, take good care of themselves and therefore of the baby, and with HypnoBirthing look at the new phase of life or the next child in a positive, relaxed and self-confident manner, will do well - and this is passed on to the whole family. Many of the exercises help to intensify this loving bond between each other and with the baby.
Book tip:
Julia and Dr. med. Matthias Maak: HypnoBirthing - The practical book . Practical knowledge, exercises, checklists and weekly plans for the original method by Marie F. Mongan. With 10 practice cards. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition August 2022, flap book, color, 16 x 22 cm, 157 pp., with 10 enclosed color cards (11.5 x 16.5 cm), 22.00 euros (D) / 22.70 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-658-2
Link recommendations:
More information about the guide “HypnoBirthing. The practical guide”
To the reading sample in PDF format
More about author Julia Maak
More about author Dr. med. Matthias Maak
To the guide “HypnoBirthing” by Marie F. Mongan
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