Autopilot to happiness: “Set goals – let go – achieve!” explains how the brain is programmed for success
Autopilot to happiness: “Set goals – let go – achieve!” explains how the brain is programmed for success
With a new paperback edition of the success guide and the audio book of the same name with audio coaching, Andreas Winter proves once again that he himself is the best proof of his theory: people always achieve the goals that are most important to them emotionally.
Success without torture
Graduate teacher Andreas Winter has written eighteen successful self-help books in twelve years - alongside his work as the head of one of Germany's largest coaching institutes, speaker and trainer, alongside his family and his hobbies as a musician and actor, alongside regular holidays and eight comfortable hours of sleep every day. How is all this supposed to work when you're supposed to only be successful with discipline, effort and torture? His typically provocative answer to this is: "Because success, prosperity and top performance do not depend on effort, discipline and exertion, but on their emotional significance for people."
His best-selling guide "Set goals - let go - achieve!" , which is now available as an updated paperback and as an audio CD, shows in an entertaining and well-founded way that feelings of guilt, false beliefs, patronizing attitudes and fears sabotage successful learning and action, while enthusiasm, passion and confidence are the "autopilots" for success and prosperity. The unusual message of this book is that success can be achieved very easily and without effort. The prerequisite for this is to free yourself from the mostly unconscious blockages that have previously prevented your own development.
Healthy and happy without fear
The popular books of the author, who is known as a "psychocoach," deal with topics in the areas of health and behavior from a depth psychology perspective. In his institute Andreas Winter Coaching in Iserlohn, he works with analyses and reflections to make psychological processes conscious. This work enables his clients to free themselves from harmful behavioral patterns and thus even from physical symptoms.
According to Winter, blocking beliefs, fear patterns and obstacles to success have their origin in the place where the greatest emotional influence has been exerted on a person. It is usually the parents themselves who make it clear to their children in early childhood that children are not allowed to pursue their own potential and interests, but at best with social and rule-compliant guidelines.
"The more we are able to recognize our generalized patterns, the less fearful we become," writes Winter, who believes that fearlessness is one of the most important prerequisites for achieving success. The driving force behind this is the development of one's own intention and is generated by interest. The special thing about his approach is that blocks to success can not only be removed, but that this usually happens in a single coaching session. After all, people are controlled by their thoughts - and thoughts can be changed within seconds through insights.
The price of success
From over 30 years of practical experience, Andreas Winter knows that we all carry around numerous "programs" and beliefs from childhood that form a pattern that runs deep into our behavior as adults. Once these patterns are recognized and resolved, almost everything that was based on these patterns changes: choice of career, choice of partner, choice of place of residence and more. Usually for the better for everyone involved, but not always. This is because there is always a price to pay for success, happiness and satisfaction. This price is often the realization that life could have been easy for years.
In addition to the book, Winter has produced an audio coaching program that can be found on the audio book of the same name. This coaching program helps you to understand what you have read on an emotional level so that you can implement it in your everyday life. He does not use suggestions or subliminals, but works solely with the alert mind and the ability to experience things in a visual way. His recommendation is to listen to the audio coaching only after reading the book and then very consciously: "Ideally, imagine that I am actually talking to you and asking you questions to which you can audibly answer. This will create the greatest possible effect in terms of awareness - similar to a coaching conversation."
Book tip:
Andreas Winter: Aim – let go – achieve! How to set your brain for success. Mankau Verlag 2019, paperback, 12 x 19 cm, 158 pages, 10.90 euros (D) / 11.30 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-518-9.
Audiobook tip:
Andreas Winter: Aim – let go – achieve! Audiobook with coaching. Mankau Verlag 2019, 2 audio CDs, total running time approx. 153 minutes, 15 euros RRP (D/A), ISBN 978-3-86374-521-9.
Link recommendations:
More information about the guide book "Set goals - let go - achieve!"
To the reading sample in PDF format
More information about the audio book "Set goals - let go - achieve!" (2 audio CDs)
More about the author Andreas Winter
To the Internet forum with Andreas Winter