New book by Roswitha Stark: "Family constellations with symbols"
New book by Roswitha Stark: "Family constellations with symbols"
All members of a system - whether private, business or an organ system - have something in common. Symbols can be used to eliminate obstacles, stress or symptoms within this system and achieve success and well-being. In her new book "Family Constellations with Symbols", the experienced alternative practitioner and vibration expert Roswitha Stark combines the method of family constellations with energetic symbol work.
Wide range of applications
The system constellation method is characterized by a wide variety of areas of application. Originally developed in family therapy, constellations are now also carried out in schools, organizations or in the creative field to clarify relationships or content. In organizations, constellations represent a method of systemic organizational consulting and can be used to clarify interpersonal relationships, for example in the case of problems with colleagues or superiors. Another field is the establishment of organizational structures or the clarification of other problems relating to the organization of the company, such as personnel issues or restructuring measures.
In therapy or counseling, constellations can be used as an initial method to create a visualization of the problem, which can serve as a starting point for further interventions. Roswitha Stark, alternative practitioner and co-author of "Medicine to Paint On", has found in her many years of practice that "system constellations can be wonderfully combined with a wide variety of therapeutic or coaching methods". In her new book "Family Constellations with Symbols" she shows how systemic work leads to a more successful communication style with other people, which is characterized by ever greater competence in dealing with living beings and with oneself.
Principles of systemic work
When it comes to family or systemic constellations, it is useful to take into account certain principles and some basic assumptions that were developed from the basic principles originally observed by Bert Hellinger. Although he made the method popular, his approach has been heavily criticized due to the sometimes humiliating way in which he treats clients.
Roswitha Stark, on the other hand, recommends: "First and foremost, the given must be recognized, because it is there now and does not want to be pushed aside again." Adhering to this principle is particularly important, because all basic assumptions can be derived from it and non-adherence would also affect these. The principle of belonging is just as important, because all members of the "family" (it can also be a company) have the right not to be excluded from "their" system. This includes direct or more distant ancestors, deceased or disowned illegitimate children, those fired from a company, betrayed spouses or business partners, or even excluded feelings such as guilt, egoism, or shame. An optimal solution can only be found if all people or components of a project are considered equal. Nevertheless, the chronological order of their entry into the system should be taken into account in order to appreciate the corresponding position in the overall system.
The overall structure of life
Family constellations are successful when they serve their purpose: bringing people together rather than splitting them off. If, for example, an illness or a symptom or difficulties in work or everyday life are ignored out of fear, pain, shock or despair, the systemic companion takes the conscious path to healing with the person affected: "Family constellations always mean finding a solution to issues in the interests of everyone involved in the overall system." There is a solution for every problem and help along the way, for example in the form of symbolic energies or encouraging words.
But it is up to the person themselves to take the necessary steps following the factors clarified by the constellation. Only an open, unbiased style of observation prepared by the constellation work enables a non-judgmental observation of the behavior of others in the context of the overall situation: "With every family constellation, regardless of whether it is created with real people or with wooden figures or by drawing people on paper, you take responsibility for yourself and the whole," emphasizes Roswitha Stark. "Every person and every other living being that is placed here is unique and valuable. It is irreplaceable in the place that belongs to it, because every soul has its place in the overall structure of life."
Book tip:
Roswitha Stark: Family constellations with symbols – developing optimal systemic solutions on paper. With helpful checklists and harmonizing affirmations. Mankau Verlag 2018, paperback, 13.5 x 21.5 cm, 206 pages, 16.95 euros (D) / 17.50 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-471-7.
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