After the best-selling book, the card set now follows: “Family constellations with symbols”
After the best-selling book, the card set now follows: “Family constellations with symbols”
A large sheet of paper and colored pens are all you need to create a systemic picture. The "Family Constellations with Symbols" card set is a practical addition to the best-selling book of the same name by Roswitha Stark . It offers test lists and symbol cards for harmonizing blocked relationships in family, work and health.
Bringing the system into harmony
"The whole is much more than the sum of its parts... and every problem already contains the solution within itself!" reveals alternative practitioner and vibration therapist Roswitha Stark, who, as an expert in symbolic medicine, has been publishing successful guides on these topics for many years. Her book "Family Constellations with Symbols" combines the method of family constellations with energetic symbol work and is now being expanded to include a practical set of cards in response to popular reader requests.
In addition to a 24-page booklet with work instructions, the card set contains nine large test list cards on family and relatives, work and career, love and relationships, health and well-being, body and organ systems and timeline blockages, and 220 impulse cards for harmonizing connections, clearing timeline blockages, color balancing and providing resources. Using the test systems presented in the booklet, you can find out which factors are important for a concern or project, which relationships are not in harmony and which blockages need to be resolved, and thus easily develop the corresponding network of relationships on paper.
Fascination Family Constellations
“Family constellations with symbols” is a creative design process that always brings new, fascinating insights to therapists and laypeople, those who are being set up and those who are setting up, leaders and participants, those present and those not present, and always amazes at how everything in our reality is inseparably connected. Systematic design using symbols, words or even colors on paper shows how very good results and life changes can be achieved by working for others and, above all, for ourselves. Because everyone wants to belong, and everyone belongs: to their parents, to their family, to their ancestors, to their friends and children, to their partner, to their work colleagues, to their company, to their illnesses.
For Roswitha Stark, family constellations or systemic work is consciousness work of the highest order, which also fits perfectly into our new era of digital change, in which the topic of communication and all-encompassing networking is gaining ever greater traction. In her bestseller of the same name, she has dealt in detail with the development and basic principles of systemic work, which finds a practical addition for all areas of life through this card set.
Key to the system
With the test lists and symbol cards, blockages can be identified and resolved in a playful but decisive manner. The specific 'person' is less important than their function in the system or the type of energy they use to connect with other family members. Everything is connected to everything. This also includes past events and current events.
In her work with groups and clients, Roswitha Stark has had the experience over the years that systemic images, painted on paper and combined with symbols, words or colors, act like a 'key' to the soul level of the entire system. The systemic image, put together from individual puzzle pieces, contains complex information with which the person concerned can resonate with both their subconscious and a higher energetic level. The images act as healing images by 'touching' the subconscious level of the individual or an entire group. This brings about a change on the emotional level, to which the material 'real' level of the body, the situation, the family members, the department, etc. reacts. Once something has been set in motion on the emotional level, something inevitably changes in the overall system.
Book tip:
Roswitha Stark: Family constellations with symbols. Developing optimal systemic solutions on paper. With helpful checklists and harmonizing affirmations. Mankau Verlag, 3rd edition 2019; paperback, 13.5 x 21.5 cm, 206 pages. ISBN 978-3-86374-471-7, 16.95 euros (D) / 17.50 euros (A).
Card set tip:
Roswitha Stark: Family constellations with symbols. The card set. Developing optimal solutions on paper. Mankau Verlag 2019, card set with 220 impulse cards (59 x 91 mm), 9 test list cards (120 x 170 mm) and 24-page booklet. ISBN 978-3-86374-528-8, 29.95 euros (D) / 30.80 euros (A).
Link recommendations:
More information about the book "Family Constellations with Symbols"
To the reading sample in PDF format
More information about the card set "Family Constellations with Symbols"
More about the author Roswitha Stark
To the blog "Healing with Symbols"
To the forum with Roswitha Stark