Card set “Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy”: Tools for symbolic healing work
Card set “Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy”: Tools for symbolic healing work
The healing vibrational energy of homeopathic remedies can be conveyed not only through globules, but also through powerful signs and symbols. Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark now make their powerful vibrational remedies available on symbol cards for energy and information work, meditation and healing practice.
Great response to the symbolic means
In autumn 2017, the highly sought-after book "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy" by Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark , now in its second edition, was published. In it, the two experts in vibrational medicine translated classic homeopathic remedies and previously unavailable substances into energetic symbols. Interested laypeople and therapists were thus given a total of 101 vibrational remedies in a simple and cost-effective way in order to be able to restore physical or emotional harmony with gentle, non-invasive procedures with as few side effects as possible.
In response to numerous customer requests, in addition to the book, there is now also a practical card set with a clear booklet that explains the selection and application options as well as the cards for the symbolic remedies, their potentiation and testing. The card set contains 101 cards for homeopathic remedies, amino acids and special remedies, as well as four potentiation cards and further test cards. In addition to the 70 classical homeopathic remedies coded in symbol form, 31 substances that were previously not available homeopathically are offered: These include fungi, viruses, enzymes, bacteria, parasites, microorganisms, algae, negative ions, sunlight, soil, vitamins and amino acids, which are of fundamental importance for life.
Expansion of classical homeopathy
"Homeopathic globules, colors, sounds, symbols, essences, and stones all have one thing in common: they are all ultimately frequencies that can 'change the mind' of the organism." This is how the authors formulate the idea that gave rise to their book and the "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy" card set. Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark have been studying the healing effects of signs and symbols on people, animals, and plants for more than 15 years. In doing so, they go far beyond the "classical" homeopathy originally developed by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Its most important principle is the law of similarity, i.e. a homeopathic medicine eliminates the symptoms of illness caused by the original substance in a non-homeopathic form.
However, the remedy of choice only receives the required vibration or frequency when the appropriate "potency" is added. While lower potencies are still in the physical realm and support the physical level, the higher potencies often have a stronger effect on the mental and spiritual realm, and the physical level then reacts to changes in this. Like the "real" homeopathic remedy, the symbol remedy resonates with the respective physical, emotional or spiritual concern, stimulates the inherent life force and activates the self-healing powers.
Intuitive selection and application options
If you are familiar with kinesiological testing or can use a rod and pendulum, the choice will be easy, but you can also learn to trust your intuition when choosing the right remedy. There are many more or less intuitive ways to determine the right symbol for a problem. Most of the time, the subconscious or the "higher self" knows very well what is good in a given situation. "It is important that you know what you need the symbol for or want to use it for, e.g. for a specific physical or emotional problem," explain Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark. A suitable symbol can be determined purely intuitively, for example by letting your eyes wander over the spread out symbol cards and choosing the one that "catches" your gaze, or simply by pulling a card out of the stack.
After the appropriate homeopathy symbol has been selected, it is important - as in classical homeopathy - to determine the correct potency for the remedy so that it can be optimally effective. For this purpose, four potentiation cards are available for the potencies D, C, LM and the cosmic potency KP. First, it is determined intuitively or with a test system which potentiation card or potency is the most suitable for the problem; then the corresponding application is selected in the test circle.
Book tip:
Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark: Homeopathic symbol pharmacy. 101 vibrational remedies for immediate use. With enclosed A2 poster. Mankau Verlag, 2nd edition April 2018. Paperback, full color, 16 x 22 cm, 222 pages, €19.90 (D) / €20.50 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-400-7.
Card set tip:
Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark: Homeopathic symbol pharmacy. The card set. 101 powerful vibrational agents for energy and information work, meditation and healing practice. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition June 2018. Card set with 101 symbol and 10 test cards, card format 79 x 120 mm, colored, 8-page booklet, 24.95 euros (D) / 25.70 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-464-9.
Link recommendations:
More information about the book "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy"
To the reading sample in PDF format
More information about the card set "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy"
More about the author Christina Baumann
More about the author Roswitha Stark
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