The healing power of flowers: Compact guide “Bach flowers in pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding” accompanies mother and child
The healing power of flowers: Compact guide “Bach flowers in pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding” accompanies mother and child
The alternative practitioner Christina Casagrande has been supporting her patients with Bach flower remedies for many years. Her book includes reports and experiences about what pregnant women, women giving birth and breastfeeding mothers really want in terms of help.
Attentive and respectful (self-)observation
Bach flowers are part of folk medicine. The British doctor Dr. Edward Bach (1886 - 1936) placed the knowledge of the healing powers of his flowers in the hands and hearts of all those who want to help their fellow human beings and themselves in difficult life situations, who wish to alleviate daily suffering.
When treating yourself, the most important thing is peace and quiet and time to carefully observe the unwanted emotions. Knowledge of the connection between emotional imbalance and the resulting physical complaints is essential for Bach flower therapists. "Only when emotional wounds are observed and treated can real physical healing take place," writes alternative practitioner Christina Casagrande in her new compact guide "Bach flowers in pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding," which focuses on the needs of expectant mothers before, during and after pregnancy. In practice, the joint use of Bach flowers on mother and child has also proven to be effective in providing peace and serenity in challenging everyday life.
The correct use of Bach flowers
Christina Casagrande has been observing the effectiveness of Bach flowers for over 30 years on herself, her family and, not least, in her practice with patients of all ages. This long-standing experience allows her to be confident that the rapid and positive effects of Bach flowers are not caused by "belief" in them. Dr. Bach found a subtle way to process the healing power of his flowers - similar to Samuel Hahnemann with homeopathy. "Anyone who chooses Bach flowers carefully and takes them conscientiously will receive a reliable walking stick on their own personal path to healing with these tinctures," emphasizes the author.
There are two ways of taking traditional Bach flowers, which depend on the current situation. Bach flowers are usually diluted in a pipette bottle and taken as a single flower or as a mixture to balance out emotional imbalance. When the emotional state is balanced, the physical complaints also resolve. Once there is a noticeable improvement, the use of the flower mixture can be stopped.
In acute situations (e.g. in the event of accidents, in shock situations, in cases of great fright or in decision-making situations), the water glass method is preferable, in which three drops of the selected flower concentrate or six drops of the so-called emergency drops are added to a glass of water (approx. 150 ml).
Typical situations during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding
The basic rule for use is: as many as necessary and as few as possible. "If you are new to using Bach flowers and want to experiment without supervision, first try to develop a feeling for how the Bach flowers work by taking individual flowers," recommends the alternative practitioner. Welcoming the child with the help of Bach flowers, supporting the birth process mentally and physically, mastering the hurdles of breastfeeding with strength: the compact guide provides helpful tips and asks questions that expectant mothers ask themselves. It also describes in a sensitive and easy-to-understand way what the 38 different flower essences do in certain typical situations. The experienced therapist advises: "Always choose the flowers that describe your most irritating behavior patterns at the moment."
The Bach flowers help expectant mothers to surrender to the course of pregnancy and birth without cutting themselves off from their primal feminine power through constantly controlling thoughts. Motherhood can teach us to accept the uniqueness, rhythm and miracle in all life. Pregnant women go through weeks with completely new physical sensations, overwhelming emotional feelings and great emotional instability. They experience joy and fear more intensely than ever before and never again afterwards, and in doing so they grow beyond themselves.
Book tip:
Christina Casagrande: Bach flowers in pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. Gentle help and inner strength for expectant mothers. Compact guide. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition March 2018. Paperback, 11.5 x 16.5 cm, 127 pages, full color, 8.99 euros (D) / 9.20 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-432-8.
Link recommendations:
More information about the compact guide "Bach flowers in pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding"
To the reading sample in PDF format
More about Christina Casagrande
To the Internet forum with Christina Casagrande
To the FlowBirthing portal for a new birth culture