Life lies in the vines. Barbara Simonsohn's new compact guide offers everything you need to know about the medicinal plant of the year 2023
Life lies in the vines. Barbara Simonsohn's new compact guide offers everything you need to know about the medicinal plant of the year 2023
Grapes and vines are among the oldest cultivated plants in human history and have served as valuable food for thousands of years. This includes not only the production of wine, but also their importance for folk medicine.
The amazing power of the queen of fruits
For nutrition expert and guidebook author Barbara Simonsohn, the award of the grapevine as "Medicinal Plant of the Year 2023" by the Theophrastus Natural Healing Association is a long overdue honor. The "queen of fruits" or "gift of the gods" has accompanied humanity since the beginning and is a true treasure trove of vital substances, some of which are unique. "The grape seems to have been made for people today. It nourishes body and mind, gives mental clarity, protects our brains from burnout and dementia, and brings us resilience in turbulent times," praises Barbara Simonsohn.
Her new compact guide " Grapes and vines - medicinal plants in folk medicine " is about what is probably the oldest fruit in the world, which with its valuable healing effects surpasses anything that may be "true" in wine. The healthy ingredients protect the heart and blood vessels, reduce high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, slow down fungal infections and inflammation, promote wound healing and collagen formation in the skin and stimulate hair growth.
History full of pleasure and health
Grapes were grown in Egypt, Assyria and Mesopotamia as early as 5,000 years before Christ - just like today, primarily to make wine. It was already known in ancient times that grapes have medicinal properties. Hippocrates recommended grapes as a food and medicine, and wine only in moderate quantities.
Since ancient times, grapes and grape juice have been used for their medicinal properties. Grapes were used as a remedy for constipation, dropsy and injuries. The ancient Egyptians, as well as the ancient Greeks and Romans, used the healing powers of grape leaves. The Romans used poultices or juices made from grape leaves to treat headaches, stomach pains, joint diseases, inflammation and to improve wound healing.
Hildegard von Bingen also used grapevines to cure ulcers, cloudy eyes, earaches and headaches. She swore by grapes and was already a supporter of grape cures. These were prescribed to promote digestion and metabolism as well as detoxification. Around the middle of the 19th century, grape cures suddenly became really popular when various doctors reported cases of spectacular healing through treatment with grapes or grape juice. To this day, the health benefits are well documented, especially during therapeutic fasting.
Ingredients and healing effects
The grapevine is rich in vitamins, valuable minerals and healthy fiber - but what makes it so special is its content of OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) in the seeds and the peel. OPC not only has an immune-boosting, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral effect, but also prevents diabetes and arteriosclerosis, reduces the risk of cancer and rejuvenates the skin.
Grape leaves and flowers are best known for their healing effects on venous disorders, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and menstrual cramps. Antioxidants such as OPC, resveratrol and vinoferin make grapes and vine leaves a potent weapon against lifestyle diseases and premature aging. The fruit also contains numerous healthy fruit acids such as tartaric, malic and citric acid, which stimulate the excretory organs and promote cleansing and detoxification.
The relatively high and very balanced mineral content is responsible for strengthening the cardiovascular system and blood vessels. The grape contains a lot of potassium and thus contributes to a healthy acid-base balance, water balance, cell metabolism and healthy muscle activity. The calcium content supports healthy bone and tooth development and prevents osteoporosis, and the iron in the grape helps renew the blood. With its fruit acids, vitamins and secondary plant substances, the grape is beautiful both internally and externally as the basis of healthy nutrition and natural cosmetics.
Book tip:
Barbara Simonsohn: Grape and grapevine - medicinal plants in folk medicine. Tried and tested applications, recipes and recommendations: fruit, grape juice, vine leaves, grape seed oil, OPC/grape seed extract, etc. Compact guide . Mankau Verlag 2023, flapped paperback, full color, 11.5 x 16.5 cm, 158 pages, 12.00 euros (D) | 12.40 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-688-9
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