Making the world a little better: Compact guide with game plan poster for the “Living Suitable for Grandchildren” initiative
Making the world a little better: Compact guide with game plan poster for the “Living Suitable for Grandchildren” initiative
Anja Haider-Wallner and her daughter Mona approach the topic of "living sustainably" from different perspectives. Their guide "How to save the world" offers important information and countless suggestions for making everyday life easy and fun to make "grandchild-friendly" - with enjoyment and quality of life, now and in the future.
Our contribution to a more livable planet
"We don't have to move mountains to make our world a little better and more beautiful - even many small steps bring us closer to the big goal of leaving our children and grandchildren a future worth living and a healthier nature." - Management consultant Anja Haider-Wallner and her daughter Mona are pursuing this common goal with the new compact guide "This is how you can save the world" , which also became the official idea book for the "Living for Grandchildren" initiative.
In addition to sustainable climate and environmental protection, it is also about human dignity, solidarity, justice and democracy. With conscious answers to everyday questions such as "What do I buy, what do I eat, how do I get around, how do I meet my fellow human beings and how do I spend my life and my free time? What is my contribution to a more livable planet?", they provide practical suggestions and food for thought to not only improve the future, but also make our own lives more livable.
Playful sustainability
The book is the official guide to the initiative "Living for Grandchildren - The Game That Changes Your World" , which was launched in 2018 by the Katholisches Kreisbildungswerk Traunstein e. V. It is an intensive way to question and change your own lifestyle in terms of sustainability. The game makes it particularly easy to get started with saving the world and helps you overcome your inner demons.
A group of people meets every month for six months with a game leader. The task of the participants is to make self-selected resolutions and changes for a "more grandparent-friendly" future, which they want to implement in their world - in themselves and in their environment - by the next meeting. At each meeting, there are key topics such as ecological sustainability, justice, solidarity, human dignity or democracy. The three to six players undertake very individual actions for the monthly meetings and collect points. Each participant decides for themselves from month to month how big or small, how far-reaching their own action is. The important thing is to have fun, which is why "Living in a way that is suitable for grandparents" refrains from wagging the finger and approaches the changes in a playful way.
A special game version with three main themes was developed for the compact guide, which can easily be implemented at home and even in the smallest of groups.
Tips for saving the world
“Saving the world” sounds like a big task that many people quickly fall to their knees before. The political framework for industry, international trade and global mobility must be set by the powerful of this world. But every individual can also contribute something directly and indirectly by changing their own everyday life through personal or political commitment or by motivating others to do the same.
Anja Haider-Wallner has been committed to environmental protection and green politics since her school days and today supports companies in becoming more sustainable and socially responsible. This lifestyle is also a matter of course for her children, so it was no question for 15-year-old student and climate activist Mona to support her mother with this book.
Based on a self-test to see how "suitable for our grandchildren" - that is, how ecologically sustainable, social, fair and democratic our lives are - they have collected a wealth of ideas to make things a little better themselves. From shopping, cooking and eating to living and consumption to finances and mobility, there are many ways to optimize your lifestyle in the direction of sustainability. The enclosed game plan as well as links, apps and various recipes for preserving, cosmetics, cleaning products, etc. ensure that you can have fun and do something good for the world at the same time.
Book tip:
Anja Haider-Wallner and Mona Haider: How to save the world (compact guide). Small changes with a big impact. The official ideas book for the “Living for Grandchildren” initiative. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition February 2020, paperback, 11.5 x 16.5 cm, color, 158 pages, with enclosed game plan poster (41.6 x 32 cm), 12.00 euros (D) / 12.40 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-550-9
Link recommendations:
Further information on the compact guide “How to save the world”
More about the author Anja Haider-Wallner
More about the author Mona Haider
To the Internet forum with our authors and readers
To the website of the initiative “Living for Grandchildren”