Ayurveda coaching for healthy hair: Balvinder Sidhu's audio guide supports optimal care from the inside and out
Ayurveda coaching for healthy hair: Balvinder Sidhu's audio guide supports optimal care from the inside and out
Hair problems and hair loss are not an unalterable fate! The key to healthy, strong hair lies in the balance of body, mind and soul, which can be specifically influenced by Ayurvedic visualization and meditation techniques with special healing impulses. With her audio guide "Get your hair back!", the Indian Ayurvedic therapist Balvinder Sidhu supports optimal care from the inside and out.
Millennia-old healing traditions in a contemporary form
For over 30 years, Balvinder Sidhu has been successfully advising and supporting hair loss sufferers on their way back to holistic health and naturally beautiful hair at her Augsburg Ayurveda Institute Kaya Veda ® . The therapist, who was born in northern India and grew up with the Ayurvedic healing tradition, sees it as her calling to combine the millennia-old, holistic knowledge of Hindu scholars with the needs of Western society.
"From an Ayurvedic perspective, hair problems always indicate that the balance of body, mind and soul is out of balance," says the hair expert, and recommends taking action yourself to restore the natural balance. In the first part of her new audio guide, she explains how Ayurvedic principles can be used for well-being and hair health. Listeners receive practical tips to strengthen and nourish the scalp and hair. The second part contains mental training that optimally supports hair and the growth cycle.
Ayurvedic basic principles
In Ayurveda, the head is considered the gateway to the soul. Hair represents a person's vitality and strength; it is like an antenna to the outside world. In India, healthy and strong hair is considered a symbol of holistic health into old age. Hormonal changes, genetic factors, illnesses, stress, emotional strain, nutrition, diets, environmental influences and chemicals - all of this affects every single cell in the organism and therefore also the growth and health of the hair.
Even stubborn hair problems can be solved using Ayurvedic methods that involve the body, mind and soul. Nutrition and digestion play a central role here. Food provides us with vital nutrients that give our body vitality and energy and thus also lay the foundation for healthy and beautiful hair. Hair problems, like other symptoms, can be an indication that the body is lacking nutrients or that too many toxins have accumulated. The Ayurvedic health concept therefore recommends regular detoxification to remove toxins and prevent them from accumulating again. Just as important as cleansing the body is clearing the mind and soul. Stress, emotional strain and too many harmful external stimuli throw us off balance and can also be a cause of hair problems.
Holistic healing for hair problems
The imbalance that led to the hair problems has developed over a long period of time. It is therefore important that the tips, healing impulses and exercises in this audio guide become fixed rituals in everyday life. "Change begins in your mind. It is important that you replace negative beliefs and convictions with positive thoughts," advises Balvinder Sidhu.
Those who listen to this audio guide consciously and calmly benefit most from her hair coaching. It is particularly important to concentrate fully on yourself in the second part, where Sidhu goes on a mental journey with the listener. To help you, the Ayurveda therapist recommends keeping a hair diary with a photo of your current hair status glued to the front. Healing impulses, progress, successes and your own ideas are noted in it. A new photo is added every few weeks to document which steps have already been taken towards the desired goal of "healthy and beautiful hair".
Whether it is circular, diffuse or complete hair loss, whether the receding hairline is getting bigger or whether hair problems need to be prevented in the long term - it is important that the health of the hair from an Ayurvedic perspective does not depend on just one factor. "Get your hair back!" is available as an audio CD and for download from the relevant audio book portals.
CD tip:
Balvinder Sidhu: Get your hair back! (Audio CD). Your Ayurveda coaching for full and healthy hair. Audio guide with tips and exercises. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition January 2020, 1 audio CD in a jewel case, total running time approx. 47 minutes, 8-page booklet. 12.95 euros (D/A), ISBN 978-3-86374-554-7
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