"You will only do good!": Interview with Roswitha Stark about the card set "Family Constellations with Symbols"
"You will only do good!": Interview with Roswitha Stark about the card set "Family Constellations with Symbols"
"With the card set, you can create systemic constellations on paper in a simple and playful way and use the impulse cards to harmonize the connections in the systemic field." Roswitha Stark , author of the success guide "Family Constellations with Symbols" , explains the effect and function of family constellations in an interview and describes how to use the new card set .
Your guidebook “Family Constellations with Symbols” was first published in October 2018 and is already in its third edition. How do you explain its success and great demand?
Roswitha Stark: Many people feel that their problems and concerns are not just their own isolated issues, but that there must be other factors that play a role. This could be their upbringing, the influence of their father or mother, an event that may have happened a long time ago but still has an impact - such as a separation or a change of job - and many other things. Family constellations can make this connecting field visible and clear it up. With the book "Family constellations with symbols" anyone can do this on their own, in a simple way. That is what makes it successful.
Due to popular demand from readers, a practical card set is now available as a supplement to the book. What is special about this card set and can it also be used without the book of the same name?
Roswitha Stark: The special thing about card sets is that you can use a proven system in a more playful and simple way. The book goes into more depth with its explanations and provides many valuable examples, but you don't necessarily need it to get started. Anyone can use the card set straight away; all the healing impulses for clearing up the respective issue are available in a large pool of 220 cards. If you want to work more intensively, it's best to use the book and card set together, but both work completely independently.
Systemic constellations are used in both therapy and educational counseling to solve problems in a wide variety of areas. Where does this concept originally come from, and what types of blockages is it suitable for?
Roswitha Stark: Family constellations were developed in America in the last century, when psychotherapy had reached its limits in the treatment of individuals. The inclusion of family members brought great success, which is why the systemic approach quickly spread here too. Almost everyone now knows the principle that healing together can also heal or advance oneself, whether privately or in the company. It is a great gift that we have here!
In order to determine the necessary components of a constellation, it is helpful to know a suitable test system. What test methods are there and how do you find out which one is suitable for your needs?
Roswitha Stark: By test systems I mean energetic aids such as dowsing rods, pendulums or the human body, i.e. aids that can give answers such as yes or no beyond the mind. Because most information is hidden, for example in the subconscious. When asked questions such as "Does my father play a role in my problem?" the mind may answer with "Yes, of course!", but the subconscious may have a different answer, and we can only gain access to these levels through an energetic test system. Anyone can learn this easily, it is extremely helpful. There are descriptions in both the book and the card set, and you can simply try it out.
What steps are necessary to create a systemic picture for certain complaints? How do these constellations differ for physical, family or professional problems?
Roswitha Stark: Just get a drawing pad and a pen ready and off you go. The topic doesn't matter. The test system asks you how many factors you need. You test these factors from the nine test lists and draw them as circles somewhere on the paper. Then draw connecting lines between the circles and use your test system to check for each connection whether it is 100 percent optimal - for example, the relationship between you and your boss. If not, intuitively draw a card from the stack of cards provided and place it on the connecting line. This will harmonize communication and allow it to function optimally again. There are more tips and tricks, but explaining them would go beyond the scope of this interview. Everything is well explained step by step in the card set.
System constellations are primarily used to clarify relationships within interpersonal or non-personal systems by visualizing processes and structures. How does harmonization through symbols actually work here when no “real” people are brought together?
Roswitha Stark: In "real" constellations we actually work with symbols too, only here one person symbolically stands for another person, for example a representative for my mother or for an abstract factor like money. A symbol always has a comprehensive meaning that can be translated (but does not have to be), just as in computer programming the zero or one impulse can be translated into a word or a sentence. We work here with information on the energetic level. A symbol has an effect, whether the mind can explain it or not - it works anyway. I don't have to know the underlying "program" for it to work, but the "programmer" (here the author) should know what it is good for.
The family constellation method has been controversial since its inception. What are the reasons for this criticism, and what are the advantages of systemic work on paper?
Roswitha Stark: When we represent another person, we usually feel their emotions. That is actually what is so fascinating about family constellations, but it can sometimes be quite intense and dramatic and can also reactivate traumas. It is important to have a good companion or therapist on hand. However, I believe that dramas are not necessary for balancing a systemic field and subsequent success, and can sometimes even be a hindrance. When doing family constellations on paper, I can feel the finished picture - I encourage this - and then integrate it into the whole through the heart. This integration feels good and will only have a positive effect.
Book tip:
Roswitha Stark: Family constellations with symbols. Developing optimal systemic solutions on paper. With helpful checklists and harmonizing affirmations. Mankau Verlag, 3rd edition 2019; paperback, 13.5 x 21.5 cm, 206 pages. ISBN 978-3-86374-471-7, 16.95 euros (D) / 17.50 euros (A).
Card set tip:
Roswitha Stark: Family constellations with symbols. The card set. Developing optimal solutions on paper. Mankau Verlag 2019, card set with 220 impulse cards (59 x 91 mm), 9 test list cards (120 x 170 mm) and 24-page booklet. ISBN 978-3-86374-528-8, 29.95 euros (D) / 30.80 euros (A).
Link recommendations:
More information about the book "Family Constellations with Symbols"
To the reading sample in PDF format
More information about the card set "Family Constellations with Symbols"
More about the author Roswitha Stark
To the blog "Healing with Symbols"
To the forum with Roswitha Stark