"The symbol remedies work faster, more gently and yet sustainably!": Interview with Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark on the new volume of the "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy"
"The symbol remedies work faster, more gently and yet sustainably!": Interview with Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark on the new volume of the "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy"
"After the overwhelming response to the first book of the Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy, we wanted to follow up with the rather unknown but very valuable so-called small remedies. We have also developed eight special interference suppression symbols that make the harmful influences of the digital age - such as mobile communications, WiFi or electrosmog - more tolerable for our organism and help it to adapt to changes in the environment." The two bestselling authors and symbol experts Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark , authors of the " Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy " , explain the advantages and areas of application of the newly developed symbol remedies.
Less than two years ago you launched a bestseller in the field of alternative medicine called “Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy” which was received very positively. What were the reactions and what inspired you to write a follow-up volume?
Christina Baumann: The reactions were overwhelming throughout. We were amazed at the enthusiasm with which the users tried out this new type of information medicine. The intuitive selection was very well received, as was the fact that there were clear reactions, but no initial worsening. The case studies and successes inspired us so much that we immediately wanted to follow up with even more homeopathic vibrational remedies. And it has turned out to be such a beautiful book again. Thanks to the publisher for their efforts!
The first book deals with the most important, relatively well-known homeopathic remedies in symbol form. In your new book you provide 70 "small remedies" as well as eight special remedies for frequency treatment. What is special about them?
Roswitha Stark: The 70 "small" remedies complement the home medicine cabinet with very special, rather unknown remedies that were not specifically researched by Hahnemann, but have proven to be very important and valuable in homeopathic circles. In this second volume, we would like to give them the recognition they deserve. And with the eight special frequency symbols, we can now provide good energetic solutions that make the body and psyche much more able to cope with the increasing stress caused by mobile communications, WiFi, microwaves or changes in the earth's magnetic field.
Energy or information medicine can prove that people become ill when the invisible energy field of their body changes or "condenses" in a negative way, i.e. when their vibration frequency becomes low. What negatively influences this vibration in today's age?
Christina Baumann: In just a few years, environmental influences such as increased electrosmog and radiation pollution have increased rapidly, while the quality of food has actually declined despite increased organic production. And emotional strain, stress and constant availability also place a much greater strain on the immune system than before. The digital and industrialized world simply has its price. We often "have everything" but feel increasingly bad. Nature offers us higher vibrations. We feel this when we regularly go out into nature, enjoy the forest or sit by a waterfall, for example. Integrating meditation and awareness into everyday life also helps a lot to stay "with ourselves".
You have been experimenting with symbols to harmonize interference frequencies for many years. What can the “homeopathic symbol pharmacy” do against computer radiation, electrosmog, WiFi, mobile communications or microwaves?
Roswitha Stark: The idea behind it is that we cannot fight against everything that supposedly harms us. Almost everyone uses cell phones, radio-emitting devices, WiFi, etc. because we are used to working comfortably. By that I don't mean that I approve of all of this, not at all. However, if I constantly have an "against" attitude, I enter into a vibration that is not good for me. I am then only in "fight mode". But symbols can help us to make information that reaches our organism more compatible for our biosystem. In the course of evolution, our body has repeatedly adapted to all kinds of life changes. We will manage to do the same now. By using our eight interference suppression symbols, for example, we can cope much better with natural and unnatural frequencies.
The homeopathic symbol pharmacy is intended to help harmonize complaints and make internal and external influences more tolerable. The organism should be enabled to heal itself. How does this approach fit in with conventional medical treatment methods?
Roswitha Stark: We are not against conventional medicine, but for a medicine in which different approaches can complement each other optimally. The remedies of the homeopathic symbol pharmacy can be used alone or in addition to other methods. Like classical homeopathy, it provides targeted stimulating impulses for the organism so that self-healing can (re)start.
What makes homeopathy so powerful is not just the selection of the underlying substance. At least as important, if not decisive, is the process of so-called potentiation. What does this mean, and how can it be achieved in symbolic form?
Christina Baumann: Potentiation allows a remedy to be individualized and used at exactly the level where the person needs it. The remedy can be used on a physical level by using D potencies for acute symptoms or in high potencies for chronic symptoms. And the strength and speed of the effect is influenced by the level of potency. Since we believe that the mind rules over matter, this potentiation or increase in vibration can also be achieved through imagination alone.
In the first book you already stated that the symbolic remedies have proven to be extremely effective in practical tests and are in no way inferior to globules in their effect. When should one use classical homeopathy and when should one use "symbolic" homeopathy?
Roswitha Stark: The majority of users of the symbol pharmacy report that the symbols work faster and more gently than the classic pills, but still have a lasting effect. According to our survey, the notorious initial worsening of symptoms in classic homeopathy does not occur with the symbol remedies. Before someone buys the pills, they can at least try out the symbols in the book, which saves a lot of time.
Book tip:
Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark: Homeopathic symbol pharmacy. 70 important “small remedies”. Extra: 8 special remedies against interference frequencies (mobile phones, WiFi, etc.). With enclosed A2 poster. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition August 2019; paperback, full color, 16 x 22 cm, 221 pages. ISBN 978-3-86374-525-7, 19.90 euros (D) / 20.50 euros (A).
Link recommendations:
More information about the book "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy: 70 Important 'Small Remedies'"
To the reading sample in PDF format
On the first volume "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy"
To the card set "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy"
More about the author Christina Baumann
More about the author Roswitha Stark