"Love with pleasure" - a conversation with Christina Stägert and Thomas Künne
"Love with pleasure" - a conversation with Christina Stägert and Thomas Künne
"Real love can only arise when topics such as mindfulness, loving care and soul encounters take place authentically and lovingly." Christina Stägert and Thomas Künne , authors of the advice book "Lustvoll lieben" (Love with Lust) , talk in an interview about the search for sensual and fulfilling love as well as possible impulses for lust and pleasure.
You are both interested in alternative healing methods. How did the idea for “Love with Delight” come about?
Stägert: In my professional work, the topic of illness and health is a major focus. This has given me the motivation not only to manage illness, but also to show different ways of activating the inner healer and thereby supporting people in taking responsibility for themselves and in their own actions. Increasing one's own joy in life and loving togetherness play a crucial role in this, in order to be able to lead a happier and more balanced life.
Künne: The idea arose from our daily work with people and the possibilities of getting our own feelings flowing. In the mental, subtle realm as well as in the physical realm. Through my vibration therapy (phonophoresis) and also the light therapy with cosmic colors, I became aware of the wonderful effect that subtle vibrations can have on our bodies. Our new book "Loving with Delight" offers carefully selected methods that are good for us and increase our well-being. So there is something suitable and appropriate for everyone.
Acupressure, moxibustion, phonophoresis, color meditation, energy points, yoga and Jin Shin Jyutsu – the range of methods presented in the book for increased pleasure is large. Do you have a favorite method for each, or do you prefer a balanced mix?
Stägert: I rely on a balanced mix. We humans are individuals and therefore have different feelings. In this individuality, the methods in our book are like a meadow of flowers; everyone can choose the methods that appeal to them, and there is always the option of trying out new things. I practice yoga in my free time and have had good experiences with acupressure.
Künne: I rely on the method in the area of vibrations (phonophoresis and healing with cosmic colors), because I have many years of experience in this area and can also feel the successes in myself or in clients or seminar participants.
What motivated you to write this guide?
Stägert: Real love can only arise when topics such as mindfulness, loving care and soul encounters take place authentically and lovingly. With this book, which is not intended to be a guide but rather a source of inspiration, we present a life-affirming basis for a joyful and loving relationship.
Künne: My primary concern is to guide people to their inner strength, their harmony and their well-being. Over time, I have discovered that there are various ways to achieve this. In this guide, I have put together the methods with Christina Stägert that support this approach and motivation. True to the motto "Many roads lead to Rome". Each of my readers, seminar participants or listeners at conferences and lectures now has a manual to help them find their own individual path.
Who should read your book?
Stägert: All people who set out on the path to themselves and want to find an expression for their own life energy.
Künne: The book is an inspiration to (re)find your own center, and is therefore suitable for everyone, because “if you are not at home in yourself, you are not at home anywhere.”
Mr. Künne, in your own consulting practice you also work as an astrologer. Do the stars also have an influence on our love life?
Künne: Venus is the goddess of self-love and love. Since every person carries their own Venus within them, there are also various methods to activate their love life. The stars provide a certain pattern in our birth chart. Now it is up to the person themselves, within the framework of their creative spirit, to find the best possible match for a happy life in health, harmony and well-being.
Ms. Stägert, women are more likely to think about ways to improve their love life than men. Is that true?
Stägert: In everyday life, I see a change in the sense that women are taking more time for themselves and their femininity. They want to broaden their horizons and live lovingly and harmoniously in a community. The first impression certainly leads to the conclusion that women are more concerned with the possibilities of their love life. But I am observing that more and more men are also listening to their inner voice and want to give their feelings more and more free rein. Our book therefore provides further inspiration for men and women to be able to live and deepen a mindful relationship with one another.
Do you have any instant help tips for both female and male readers?
Stägert: The immediate help consists in taking time for yourself, supplemented by the willingness to get involved with yourself and subsequently with your partner. Another prerequisite for your own progress is the ability to open up. So create your own space and develop your own individual creativity. I would just like to reveal this much now: It will be an exciting journey.
Künne: "There is nothing good unless you do it" (Erich Kästner), because reading the book can only be the beginning of starting to do things yourself and implementing them yourself. Find your own way and feel what is good for you and, above all, what is not good for you. As a first suggestion, I would like to suggest to readers that they work through the checklists (in the book on pages 33-40) in order to get as close as possible to their own wishes. Then you can use a method of your own choosing to get into the flow and then release love energy. I myself have had loving experiences with stimulating the third eye using vibrations from the Venus tuning fork and/or cosmic Venus light.
Book tip:
Thomas Künne/Christina Stägert: Loving with lust. Acupressure, yoga & co. for newly experienced intimacy and joy of life. Mankau Verlag, April 2018, paperback, 126 pages, full color, 16 x 22 cm, € 15.95 (D) / € 16.40 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-452-6.
Link recommendations:
More information about the guidebook "Love with pleasure"
To the reading sample in PDF format
More about Christina Stägert
More about Thomas Künne
To the Internet forum with Thomas Künne and Christina Stägert