Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark: "Homeopathy for the new era"
Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark: "Homeopathy for the new era"
"The cards for the 'Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy' offer numerous uncomplicated options for selecting and using the symbol remedies, so they are an ideal addition to the book." Christina Baumann , trainer for holistic-energetic healing methods, and the alternative practitioner Roswitha Stark provide homeopathic remedies coded in symbol form in their "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy" that convey the entire vibration spectrum of the remedy and can thus optimally activate the self-healing powers on all levels. To match the book , which has been very well received by readers and users, a card set with 101 symbol cards and 10 test cards has now been published.
With the “Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy” you took a new, previously unexplored path in November 2017. What response has your book, which is now in its second edition, received from readers?
Christina Baumann: The book was received with great enthusiasm, which of course made us very happy. Statements such as "A milestone in information medicine" or "Never before has the soul of homeopathic remedies been described so sensitively and lovingly" really touched us deeply, because it helped us understand even more that we had really grasped the essence of the underlying substances. "The symbols really help," is what many users told us. This confirms to us: it is homeopathy for the new age.
Many readers of the book have requested a set of cards for the “Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy”. What are the advantages of this new medium and why is it such a good addition to the book?
Christina Baumann: By focusing on the symptom or the problem, the card set can be used to find the right remedy in a completely neutral and unbiased way. Free from the opinion that this or that homeopathic remedy should actually help, you simply draw the cards intuitively. This also leads the user to remedies that they might not otherwise necessarily choose. When you then look at the result, the card often leads to surprising remedies and coherent solutions. The way I explain this is that symptoms manifest themselves on different levels and you cannot necessarily grasp the deeper levels with your mind.
In the area of alternative healing methods, there are more and more examples of how success can be achieved without the use of any physical substances. Which methods are particularly effective and what is their common principle?
Roswitha Stark: Hahnemann's classical homeopathy has already shown that it is not necessarily physical substances that are particularly effective. Highly potentized remedies in particular are effective on all levels, although from a chemical point of view there is often no "substance" to be found here, at least not with today's research methods. The approaches of quantum physics show us, however, that non-material information does have an effect, whether it is transmitted in the form of colors, symbols, numbers, words or sound. The effective forces of all these alternative medical methods are pure energy, vibration and information.
You have been researching the healing effects of signs and symbols for many years and have achieved amazing success with people, animals and plants. What motivates you to keep expanding your horizons?
Christina Baumann: The good results of the last twenty years, especially with children, animals and plants, who responded very well to this type of information medicine - free from doubt and uninfluenced by promises of effectiveness - have motivated and encouraged us to keep going in this direction. It is very gratifying to see that with certain signs and symbols we have a harmless type of medicine at our disposal that is nevertheless very effective.
The “Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy” goes far beyond “Classical Homeopathy” by translating its material remedies into symbolic ones. What does that mean in concrete terms?
Roswitha Stark: Ultimately, everything that we perceive as material, i.e. as "solid" matter, is based on vibrational energy and information. However, most people cannot perceive this with their senses, just as we cannot perceive the information content of the well-known globules or the complete color spectrum of white light. Our senses are simply too limited here. Beyond our senses, everything vibrates at different speeds and frequencies. The frequencies of colors or sounds can be expressed in Hertz (hz). With symbols, we tend to test which symbol matches which symptom based on body reactions. A symbol is a very complex matter in terms of information, and its information content goes far beyond pure appearance and analytical consideration. The homeopathic symbols therefore contain the essence of the underlying substance on the one hand, but on the other hand far more energetic information content.
The treatment options of the “Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy” can also be combined with other forms of therapy. For which complaints is a combination recommended? When is it not advisable?
Christina Baumann: As with sound or color therapy, this is about information medicine, which can basically be used for all complaints. You should try it out as individually as possible or rely on your intuition when making your selection - which is particularly easy with the card set. The use of the symbolic remedies should be seen as an accompanying measure and not as a replacement for medically necessary treatment. The symbols can actually be used alongside all other therapies, even together with the classic beads.
In addition to the 70 classic homeopathic remedies, the symbol pharmacy also offers 31 previously unavailable substances as vibrational remedies. What are they and what is their special significance?
Roswitha Stark: These are the 20 most important amino acids. They are the basic building blocks of our proteins and are therefore essential to life. They have become immensely important as nutritional supplements in recent years, and we have carried out a number of experiments with them in the context of information medicine, which are very promising. Together with the harmonious spiritual potentiation, they have immense potential for the entire field of energetic-spiritual healing. Since we received the substances that were to be encoded in the form of symbols spiritually, there are also some very special symbols, such as earth, enzymes, bacteria or fungi. All of them are very useful for all types of "diseases of civilization".
Like the "real" homeopathic remedy, the "symbol remedy" resonates with the physical, emotional or mental concern in order to strengthen the self-healing powers. What options does the card set offer me to find the right material or symbolic remedy for me?
Christina Baumann: Cards are of course particularly good for intuitively drawing a remedy; you can also use a one-hand rod, a pendulum or a muscle test - such as the arm length test described in the booklet - to determine the right symbol. But the cards are also very well suited to systemic constellations or layout systems with specific questions. For example, you could lay out a card for the question "Where does the symptom/situation come from?", for example from issues from the past. And as the next card, a question for "What is the current problem?". The card drawn is then the remedy for the symptom itself. But another card for the question "What do I need for the further healing process?" can also be drawn and be helpful. I like to spontaneously place two cards on the "Yin-Yang Balance" card: one supports the female-passive side of the healing process, the other the male-active side. This always creates a nice balance, no matter what the issue is.
Book tip:
Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark: Homeopathic symbol pharmacy. 101 vibrational remedies for immediate use. With enclosed A2 poster. Mankau Verlag, 2nd edition April 2018. Paperback, full color, 16 x 22 cm, 222 pages, €19.90 (D) / €20.50 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-400-7.
Card set tip:
Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark: Homeopathic symbol pharmacy. The card set. 101 powerful vibrational agents for energy and information work, meditation and healing practice. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition June 2018. Card set with 101 symbol and 10 test cards, card format 79 x 120 mm, colored, 8-page booklet, 24.95 euros (D) / 25.70 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-464-9.
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More information about the card set "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy"
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