“Cosmic messages are powerful aids on our path” – Interview with vibration therapist and bestselling author Roswitha Stark
“Cosmic messages are powerful aids on our path” – Interview with vibration therapist and bestselling author Roswitha Stark
"We live in a time in which our consciousness is expanding more and more and we have access to infinite possibilities. The archetypal powers of the constellations, the power of the twelve angels and the planetary energy of the 'extraterrestrial' forces and universal geometries have a permanent effect on us; with the Starseeds cards you can select them intuitively and make use of them." Symbol expert Roswitha Stark , author of the card set "Starseeds and cosmic light language" , sees the cosmic messages, compressed in symbol form, as wonderful aids on our path of transformation and positive restructuring.
Your new card set deals with the trending topic of “Starseeds and cosmic light language.” What does this mean and what inspired you to make this information from the universe accessible?
Roswitha Stark: I have been working individually and collectively with patients and clients for decades. It started in the classic way with individuals, later increasingly with groups and especially with the energetic toolbox for systemic constellations. Systemic means that the cause level can lie in factors other than our own. And it also means that the help for healing can be found in a large common field. And this field extends far beyond the earth. Then we are in the cosmos. With this card set we specifically use its strong energies.
For this card set, you translated the energies of angels, constellations, zodiac signs, extraterrestrial spiritual energies and cosmic geometries into symbols and messages. How did you come to this selection, and what concerns are these energies suitable for?
Roswitha Stark: We live in a time in which our consciousness is expanding more and more and we have access to infinite possibilities. Astrology, for example, has long used the archetypal powers of the twelve signs of the zodiac or constellations. They have a permanent effect on us, not just those that correspond to our sun sign, but all twelve powers at certain times. In this card set, you can draw them intuitively and make them available to you; the same goes for the power of the twelve angels with their specific color vibrations and, above all, the planetary energy of the "extraterrestrial" powers and universal geometries. All of these are cosmic messages in a compressed form. They are aids on our path that we would otherwise not find or be able to activate in a "normal" earthly way.
For many years you have been known for providing practical and spiritual guidance to other people and interacting with information in the form of images, symbols or ideas. Why does this knowledge play such an important role and what can be achieved by applying it?
Roswitha Stark: The information age is characterized by information in "fast" digital form. More and more is being coded, like chips in computer technology. Our DNA is also a huge information storage facility, which contains "old" useless chips, for example virus information. This paralyzes our body-soul-mind information system. Our consciousness is so strong that we can reprogram these "misprints". This is why, for example, water transfer with symbol images works very well to reprogram cells. Images of water crystals reflect our geometric system. However, the cosmos is also organized geometrically, for example in a spiral shape. Animations of planetary movements show fantastic patterns of planetary movement. For me, symbols are therefore quickly available codes for memorizing useful information. You just have to choose them carefully.
You see yourself as a mediator between the language of the earth and the non-linguistic phenomena of the cosmos. Is this also about something like extraterrestrial inhabitants of spaceships or other star systems?
Roswitha Stark: Through working with the symbols I have been given the gift of becoming more and more clairvoyant. That was not planned at all, but I am very grateful for it. In recent years I have often felt extraterrestrial forces. In this card set I specifically describe those galactic systems that wanted to "be there" right now to help people. My form of expression, however, is not green or blue men, but constellations, angels or special geometries.
People have always asked for advice and help from the spiritual world, for example through religion. Others believe in astrology and the power of archetypal signs or planets. Where can these influences be perceived and used in our modern world?
Roswitha Stark: What has been around for a long time has become a strong archetypal force that is useful to many people. This includes zodiac signs, constellations, angels, planets, extraterrestrial helpers. We are in resonance with them, i.e. connected. The more conscious we are of this, or do this, the more powerful their effect on us. Everything is possible, and I want to use the earthly and the cosmic in the best possible way.
What options are there to find the right cards for your personal needs? Are any specific knowledge or skills required?
Roswitha Stark: The advantage of card sets is that they are wonderfully easy to use. You don't need to know anything, just be willing to try it out and be a little open-minded. I ask whether the Starseeds card set is suitable for my concern or that of my client. If so, I test or feel how many cards I need and draw them intuitively. The special tool for anchoring the energy or making the best possible use of it are the twelve "inflow channels" cards, because every person has a certain gate through which the powerful energy can best flow into their system. So I draw a card or an inflow portal, and the energy then goes in through this gate for the best benefit of body, soul and spirit. The concrete application of this important aspect is described in detail. After that, all you have to do is surrender to what may happen.
Roswitha Stark: Starseeds and cosmic light language. Card set with 55 starseed symbols and 44 light codes. Includes detailed booklet and 13 transmission cards. Mankau Verlag 2024, card set with 99 symbol and 13 transmission cards (format 79 x 120 mm), colored, 64-page booklet, 29.95 euros (D) | 30.90 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-720-6
Link recommendations:
More information about the card set “Starseeds and cosmic light language”
To the reading sample of the card set booklet in PDF format
More about author Roswitha Stark
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