“Children react particularly well and very quickly to the symbolic means” – Interview with Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark
“Children react particularly well and very quickly to the symbolic means” – Interview with Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark
"We all know that children do not have it easy in these challenging times and often need a little help to cope with the increasing pressure to perform, with themselves and with other people. Our symbol remedies provide effective healing impulses, for example for fears, hyperactivity, alienation, behavioral disorders and school problems." With the card set " Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy for Children ", which matches the book guide of the same name, Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark present another title from their bestseller series. In an interview, the two experts in symbol and vibration medicine explain why the symbol remedies are particularly well suited for use with children and young people.
The card set for the third volume of your successful series "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy" was developed especially for the needs of children and young people today. What are these needs in your experience and what distinguishes them from previous generations?
Christina Baumann: We know that children don't have it easy in this time of increasing control and pressure to perform, as well as isolation, media consumption and the increasing loss of friendships and natural security. Our symbols are intended to provide an effective stimulus for issues of this time such as overactivity or hyperactivity, the consequences of vaccinations, alienation from oneself and others, dealing with feelings, loneliness, longing and loss of security or general mother issues. The overwhelming pressure to perform in the school world - and now also with homeschooling - has shown us how necessary a new approach to homeopathy is, especially for children and young people. Here, more than ever, good help is needed so that children can cope better with themselves and other people, even in these challenging times.
You have covered many common homeopathic remedies; there are also many new and interesting remedies in symbol form that promise surprising experiences and insights. What examples can you give of particularly important applications?
Roswitha Stark: In this third part of the "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy" we have once again taken up a number of well-known homeopathic remedies that are particularly important for children, such as Belladonna, Calcium carbonicum or Pulsatilla. The soul essence of the symbols, however, was specially tailored to the souls of children; it is "their" message. However, because children and parents are not in reality completely separate from one another, but rather form an energetic community, we can assume that adults who want to do something for their children will also benefit from the message. There are also many new, interesting remedies such as chocolate, vanilla, milk remedies such as Lac delphinum, or Musca, the housefly with its hyperactivity.
Homeopathic globules, colors, sounds, symbols, essences or stones vibrate at frequencies that can positively "retune" the biological organism. Why do children, and also animals, react so strongly to information medicine?
Christina Baumann: The remedies in the homeopathic symbol pharmacy can stimulate the body's own defenses and the self-healing powers of the child's organism effectively and without side effects, similar to what classical homeopathy can do. Many successful examples show that children in particular react particularly strongly to the vibrations of the symbols and within a short time, because they "think" about the potential effectiveness much less and therefore no healing blockage is formed. It is also an impressive finding that these observations are made in children and animals in particular! The "homeopathic pharmacy" also delivers astonishing results in cases of deeper mental illnesses, fears, behavioral disorders and problems at school, and proves how gentle and free of side effects this type of vibration therapy can be.
Because children and parents are not separate from each other but form an energetic community, you assume that the adults who want to do something for their child will also benefit from the message. How does this fit with the common impression that children are often downright 'allergic' to people who 'only want what's best for them'?
Roswitha Stark: If you look at the development of illnesses in children, one thing is striking: the illnesses are becoming more and more similar to those of adults. Children often have the same stress as adults, are perfectly organized with tennis lessons and piano lessons, and spend the rest of their time in front of the television, on their smartphones or playing computer games - and also develop the same illnesses as adults. Rheumatism in children is just as common as cancer, autoimmune diseases and depression. Even adult-onset diabetes is now affecting the youngest. More and more children are being born with neurodermatitis and other allergic diseases. The typical childhood illnesses such as chickenpox or measles, on the other hand, have almost been "eradicated" "thanks" to vaccinations and the frequent use of antibiotics. According to homeopaths, it was precisely these childhood illnesses that once enabled children to take decisive developmental steps. It is not uncommon for children to want to draw our attention to unresolved issues of their parents - because they can also become ill from them. Everything is connected to everything, quantum physics shows us this. Often, therefore, both the child and the mother or father must be treated at the same time. Symbolic homeopathy, in contrast to classical homeopathy, is based on an energetic test of the child's vibration field. And this field can also contain unresolved issues of the parents or even the grandparents. The child senses when its parents want to "force" something on it that they themselves were perhaps unable to live.
It is well known that children do not have it easy in this time of increasing control and increased pressure to perform, of excessive media consumption and loss of friendships and natural security. What answers does the "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy" find to the current corona pandemic, which has exacerbated these symptoms?
Christina Baumann: The pressure from outside has increased immensely, and I am really happy when the children emerge more or less unscathed from this period of isolation, pressure and lack of understanding of their true needs. Every physical or psychological symptom, every complaint of the child can be interpreted as a blockage, as "resistance" in the energy field against these unnatural conditions. Accordingly, the healing impulse must work to harmonize this blockage so that the symptom is no longer needed or so that the child can get through this time as well as possible. Incidentally, the card set also contains a symbol called "Natural" which is intended to make our artificial worlds a little more natural again. The stressful topic, for example "loneliness" or "fear", can be written on a piece of paper and painted over with the chosen symbol; this information can then be transferred to a drink, preferably a glass of water, so that the child can absorb it into its body-soul-spirit organism. In general, the remedies in the “Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy” can also stimulate the body’s own defenses and the self-healing powers of the child’s organism without any side effects. As already mentioned, children in particular react particularly well and quickly to the vibrations of the symbols.
In view of the current and future challenges, the question arises as to whether further volumes of this extraordinary series are planned? What new tools and symbols can we look forward to?
Roswitha Stark: According to my current knowledge, there are currently around 5,000 homeopathic remedies, including many complex remedies. With the symbol pharmacy, however, we also "produce" remedies that do not even exist as classic globules. The symbols are then pure vibrational medicine that works in a similar way to homeopathy, like colors or sound: ultimately, they are all frequencies that are intended to positively change the organism's mood and can do so if they are chosen appropriately. What's next? We're excited about it ourselves!
Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark: Homeopathic symbol pharmacy for children - The card set . With 16 combination remedies for typical children's complaints and 5 potency chords for fears, vaccination consequences, alienation, etc. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition April 2022, card set with 101 symbols and 10 test and transfer cards (card format 79 x 120 mm), colored, 16-page booklet. ISBN 978-3-86374-637-7, 28.95 euros (D) / 29.80 euros (A).
Link recommendations:
More information about the card set "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy for Children"
More information about the book "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy for Children"
On the first volume "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy"
To the first card set "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy"
On the second volume "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy: 70 Important Small Remedies"
To the second card set "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy: 70 Important Small Remedies"
More about the author Christina Baumann
More about the author Roswitha Stark
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