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“Nature often holds up a mirror to us!” Recognizing and using places of power: Interview with nature coach Tanja Dränert

Article: “Nature often holds up a mirror to us!” Recognizing and using places of power: Interview with nature coach Tanja Dränert

“Nature often holds up a mirror to us!” Recognizing and using places of power: Interview with nature coach Tanja Dränert

"Staying at places of power gives us the necessary distance from everyday life to get a sense of what it feels like when we are in our inner center, in our power. We can take this feeling with us into our everyday life and connect with it again and again. However, which place has this effect on us depends very much on our individual needs and conditioning." Place of power and nature coach Tanja Dränert, author of the guidebook "Your magical place. The place of power coaching", wants to help us discover places rich in energy in nature and in our own environment that bring us into contact with ourselves and give us strength for our individual needs, concerns and challenges.

You see your book as an invitation to find your own personal magical place. How did you find this place of power and what paths led you there?

Tanja Dränert: At first I was interested and attracted by the mystical aura that surrounds places of power. I began to study them and visit many of the well-known places. I soon noticed that they feel very different and not necessarily as they are described. I discovered that we resonate with the places and that ultimately how we perceive a place depends very much on our inner state. The best way to find the right places for us is intuitively. Ultimately, it is about perceiving our inner center and thus coming into contact with the magic within us, our true self. My places of power help me to reconnect with myself, to recharge, to draw new energy and then to take a closer look at the issues that concern me. I have a few places in my immediate surroundings that I like to retreat to, such as my meditation place at home, my balcony or the park around the corner. And then there are various favorite places that I visit regularly - depending on my mood and personal needs.

When you hear the word “place of power,” you probably first think of ancient cult sites or religious sanctuaries. What can actually be a place of power, and what connects these different places with each other?

Tanja Dränert: In the common understanding, a place of power is a place that has a positive, calming and strengthening effect, sometimes even a consciousness-expanding effect. Most of the time we look for a place where we can calm down and find our inner center again. Which place has this effect on us depends very much on our individual needs and conditioning. While one person draws strength from silent prayer in church, another might prefer to climb a mountain peak, and another might swim in a lake. From the perspective of geomancy, the science that deals with the energy of places, there are actually places that are better suited to recharging one's batteries than others. It identifies very specific points with a constructive energy, as well as those with a discharging or neutral energy. The old cult sites and religious sanctuaries are usually located on force fields with a very high vibration. But that does not necessarily mean that these places are equally suitable for all of us. We usually experience them very differently because we resonate with everything we bring with us in these places. That's why I think it's so important to get a feel for which place best suits your needs.

Earlier times and traditional cultures had their sacred places, which were believed to have their own soul and special powers. What is left of this today?

Tanja Dränert: I think that many of us no longer really perceive the soul and magic that is inherent in nature, for example. We are too distracted by the impressions that bombard us every second. Our world has become so loud and garish these days, so strongly influenced by externals, that many people have lost their sense of the subtle, spiritual, energetic. And yet nature and religious sanctuaries or places of worship exert a certain attraction on us. There are actual mass pilgrimages to some places. So people seem to still feel this certain magic in their subconscious. They notice that these places give them strength. Some of them certainly also serve as a fixed point that gives us stability.

As a systemic kinesiologist and power place coach, you accompany people on a part of their life's journey and help them to leave their beliefs, fears, entanglements and blockages behind. Why can power places support this work?

Tanja Dränert: Staying at places of power helps us to gain distance from our everyday world. There, it is easier for us to let go of the external influences that surround us every day and to really arrive at ourselves. In a sense, we gain better access to our inner self. This helps us to open up, to recognize the essence of our issues and to gain a new perspective on things.

“Your Magical Place” gives tips on how certain landscape forms can help to deal with particular topics. What phenomena are meant by this and how should we imagine it?

Tanja Dränert: We can easily transfer the characteristics of the different landscape forms in nature to situations in our lives. It is as if nature holds a mirror up to our eyes. We engage in a kind of question-and-answer game with the landscape forms and can thus gain important insights. Mountains and valleys, for example, show us the highs and lows in life. To reach certain heights, it is necessary to make certain efforts, and success only comes after constant step-by-step progress and perseverance. A river, on the other hand, can invite us to see life as in flow and either flow around obstacles that stand in our way without getting too upset about them, or approach them carefully and thus remove them. A spring can help us to recognize the potential that lies dormant within us and wants to be brought to light. And paths tell us a lot about the paths we take in life. We can also consult them when making decisions. I am particularly fond of trees, as they remind us how important it is to have strong roots so that we can stretch our crowns high into the sky. Each type of tree has its own qualities, from which we can read messages. For example, the linden tree stands for peace, joy and love, and the beech tree for clarity and security.

Nature and being on foot play a very special role in finding and creating your personal place of power. What is the best way to prepare for the search for suitable places?

Tanja Dränert: When finding and creating your own personal place of power, mindfulness and self-awareness are particularly important prerequisites. It's about perceiving ourselves in this moment, without judgment, without wanting to change anything. And opening ourselves up to what we encounter. Being curious. I like to compare it to a child who is just discovering the world. This attitude helps us to be as open and unbiased as possible. When we are out on foot, we simply notice more and get a feel for the little miracles along the way. If we start to engage with our surroundings in this attitude, we will quickly discover our places with their very own magic.

The strength that we think we get from these places ultimately does not come from outside, but from within ourselves. How can we use this knowledge in our everyday lives and for our own personal development?

Tanja Dränert: Staying at places of power gives us the distance from everyday life we ​​need to get a feel for what it feels like when we are in our inner center, in our power. We can take this feeling with us into our everyday lives and connect with it again and again. In this way, we are increasingly able to stay in our inner center and act from there. Our own further development then happens on its own, so to speak. Because the more we observe ourselves, the more we notice what catapults us out of our inner center. Then we can take a closer look at it.

Tanja Dränert: Your magical place. The power place coaching . Find strengthening places for every life situation - Use the energy of the power place in a targeted manner - With numerous exercises, suggestions and rituals. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition April 2022, paperback, color, 16 x 22 cm, 254 pages. ISBN 978-3-86374-638-4, 20.00 euros (D) / 20.60 euros (A).

Link recommendations:
More information about the book “Your Magical Place”
To the reading sample in PDF format
More about author Tanja Dränert
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The “Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy for Children” contains 101 vibrational remedies for the needs and concerns of children – from infancy to puberty. Previous experience shows that children respond particularly well to the symbols.

With the card set for the third volume, which can be used as a useful supplement to the book but also on its own, the experts in energetic healing methods Roswitha Stark and Christina Baumann present a new element in their successful series.

The symbolic tool “learning” is one of the 16 combination tools that are intended to help with the basic problems and issues of today and childhood. Its use is recommended, among other things, to help with school stress and to provide motivation.

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