Interview with Barbara Simonsohn: “The rockrose is a medicinal plant of superlatives!”
Interview with Barbara Simonsohn: “The rockrose is a medicinal plant of superlatives!”
"The ingredients of the rockrose work together synergistically; it is characterized by tannins, resins and, above all, special plant-related substances, the polyphenols. These serve as phytohormones for the plants to communicate with each other and to protect them from predators or to defend themselves against pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. They pass this ability on to humans and animals. The rockrose is one of the most scientifically researched medicinal plants and can safely be described as a kind of panacea." Nutritionist and health expert Barbara Simonsohn , author of the compact guide " Rockrose ", would like to give her readers more confidence in the power of nature for a long and healthy life.
The rockrose is not a new variety of rose, but a medicinal plant that has been known since ancient times. Why was it almost forgotten for a while and how was it rediscovered?
Barbara Simonsohn: The rockrose is actually an ancient species, revered in ancient times as a medicinal plant of the gods, mentioned several times in the Bible and almost forgotten in between. Basically, one can say that medicinal plants have experienced a renaissance since around the turn of the millennium because the limits of conventional medicine - for example with regard to antibiotics - have become clear. Conventional medical treatment methods do have an effect, but sometimes also have serious side effects. Antibiotics, for example, weaken the intestinal flora, the main seat of our immune system, and resistance can develop. The situation is similar with viruses, fungi or parasites. Therefore, tried and tested medicinal plants with few side effects are the focus of a health-conscious public. There is something special about the rockrose: traces of rockrose resin can be found in the Shroud of Turin because it was used for ritual purposes instead of or in combination with incense. This shows how highly this plant was once valued. The famous doctor Dioscorides mentions the rockrose several times in his five-volume work "Materia Medica". He recommends it as a remedy for overgrown scars, skin diseases, earaches, for drainage, as a remedy for diarrhea and much more. However, due to a translation error that was only corrected by German scholars in the 16th century, the potent medicinal plant was sidelined for centuries. In 1999, the rockrose was given a special honor: it was named "Europe's medicinal plant" by the scientific institution "Herba Historica", primarily because of its high polyphenol content. Dr. Pandalis has made a special contribution to the renaissance of this medicinal plant, having protected a particularly phenol-rich variety, Cistus x incanus L. Pandalis, and had it recognized as a "novel food" by the EU. Almost all scientific studies can be traced back to the activities of Dr. Pandalis.
Rockrose enriches the medicine cabinet with an all-rounder that seems to be made for people today. What are we particularly lacking in our current life situation?
Barbara Simonsohn: Our life situation is characterized by a civilization diet that is low in vital substances and often only contains "empty calories," and at the same time, stress levels are increasing. We are starving, so to speak, from full pots. But chronic stress is a nutrient robber. We need MORE, not less, vital substances than people in earlier times! Double and triple stress, insecure jobs, corona policy, an uncertain future in the wake of the climate crisis, high energy prices and noticeable inflation are just some of the aspects of this stress. Constant stress weakens our immune system and disrupts all kinds of physical processes such as metabolism and detoxification. The result is the formation of free radicals, which are aggressive oxygen compounds that contribute to premature aging and the development of chronic civilization diseases. This is where the power plant rockrose comes into play: it contains more polyphenols than any other plant. Polyphenols have an antioxidant effect in the body, as radical quenchers. They "quench" aggressive oxygen molecules, which means they deactivate them and render them harmless. And they have many other positive health effects. As is so often the case, the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
The rockrose was named “Medicinal Plant of Europe” back in 1999. What valuable ingredients does it owe this distinction to, and what effects are associated with them?
Barbara Simonsohn: Cistus is characterized by tannins, resins and, above all, special plant components, the polyphenols mentioned above; all of its ingredients work together synergistically. Polyphenols serve as phytohormones for plants to communicate with each other and to protect them from predators or to defend against pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. They pass this ability on to humans and animals. Cistus is a superlative plant, particularly in terms of its antioxidant effect: Cistus tea has around four times the antioxidant potential of green tea, around eight times that of black tea and almost five times that of red wine. Among other things, antioxidants protect our DNA and prevent diseases such as arthritis, cataracts, heart disease, cancer, memory loss, age-related macular degeneration, rheumatism, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, lung disease, dementia and chronic inflammation. Polyphenols have anti-carcinogenic, anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-thrombotic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effects, have a positive effect on blood pressure, lower high cholesterol levels, promote digestion and regulate blood sugar levels - just to name a few examples of the numerous effects.
Traditionally, rockrose is used in the form of tea, as a cosmetic and as a medicine. Its importance in folk medicine is gradually being confirmed by modern science. Which studies and findings are particularly noteworthy here?
Barbara Simonsohn: Cistus is an all-rounder, a kind of all-purpose weapon or panacea. It is one of the most scientifically researched medicinal plants of all. The plant and the extracts obtained from it prevent allergies, act against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, successfully fight the pathogenic stomach germ Helicobacter pylori, help with colds and flu, prevent gingivitis and tooth decay, strengthen the nervous system and promote a balanced mood, relieve acne and neurodermatitis, prevent cancer, successfully remove heavy metals and render viruses harmless. The last point is perhaps particularly important in times of corona: the liquid extract Cystus 052 ® has an antiviral effect against all corona viruses, and, as Professor Jens-Martin Träder from the Institute of General Medicine at the University of Lübeck has just discovered, even against the delta variant.
If things go badly, the fourth wave of infections in the corona pandemic will soon be upon us. How can rockrose be used actively against SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19?
Barbara Simonsohn: The effect of rockrose polyphenols can be imagined as follows: They coat the virus so that it can no longer adhere to the cell and penetrate it. A few viruses pass through the mouth and throat and help the body to build up its own immunity. It is therefore advisable to have Cystus 052 ® lozenges from Dr. Pandalis with you on public transport. Since, according to Professor Träder's previous research results, this extract was active and effective against all corona viruses, it can be assumed that this will also apply to other variants that we will be confronted with in the future. Of course, I recommend other measures to strengthen your immune system, such as daily exercise in the fresh air, a diet rich in vital nutrients, satisfying social contacts and methods for stress reduction and deep relaxation such as authentic Reiki.
In addition to its medicinal properties, rockrose can also be used as a beauty product. What tips do you have here and what products and preparations can you recommend?
Barbara Simonsohn: Rockrose-based ointments have proven to be effective for acne and skin imperfections. You can get them from Dr. Pandalis Urheimische Medizin, for example, or you can make them yourself. I have described recipes for making your own, such as an anti-wrinkle, anti-itch and healing ointment, in detail in my book. Blemished areas of skin can be dabbed with rockrose extract. It is important to use the power of rockrose from the inside, for example in the form of tea; beauty also comes from within. Diet also plays a role, of course. People who eat a healthy diet, i.e. plant-based and low in sugar, usually have beautiful skin.
With Artemisia annua, Baobab, Chia and now Cistus, you have already introduced and made known some amazing superfoods and medicinal plants. What hope do you have for your work?
Barbara Simonsohn: All of these medicinal plants have not been bred at all and are therefore much richer in vital substances than our usual cultivated fruit and vegetables. Back to the roots , one might say, back to the origin, to wild and powerful plants. In the future, I would like to concentrate even more on native medicinal plants, such as the nettle, Plant of the Year 2022. With my books and articles, I want to give people more confidence in the power of nature, which humanity has trusted for thousands of years because it had no other means at its disposal. And natural remedies alone are often sufficient for healing. Unfortunately, with the witch hunts in the Middle Ages, much old knowledge about medicinal plants was temporarily lost; in Africa they say: "If a medicine man dies, a library goes up in flames." In my opinion, health care in Germany is still under-exposed. Prophylaxis is often understood only as early detection, and it is of course good that there are early detection methods. But it is much, much better to adopt a lifestyle that prevents diseases from occurring in the first place. The medicine cabinet should not only consist of remedies created in the laboratory. Every day, we make many small decisions that determine whether we will live to a ripe old age and what quality of life we will enjoy in old age. "Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing," said the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. How can we enjoy our prosperity without the scourge of lifestyle diseases? That is my focus. My grandfather, who lived to the age of 105, and my father, who just celebrated his 102nd birthday, show that this is possible. Both lived and still live alone and independently. They are my great role models. They did not rely on the achievements of conventional medicine, but on their healthy lifestyle and natural remedies. These two examples show me that a reasonably healthy life is possible even in our time and that it is worth making a certain effort to achieve it.
Book tip:
Barbara Simonsohn: Cistus - immune protection and detoxification from nature. Compact guide . Mankau Verlag 2021, paperback, full color, 11.5 x 16.5 cm, 126 pages, 9.99 euros (D) / 10.30 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-611-7.
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