Interview with Anja Haider-Wallner and Mona Haider: “Small changes also improve the big picture!”
Interview with Anja Haider-Wallner and Mona Haider: “Small changes also improve the big picture!”
"It can be felt everywhere: the time is ripe for change! More and more people are moving towards sustainability, environmental and climate protection and fair coexistence; the topic of ecology has long since left the 'Birkenstock corner'! The 'Living Suitable for Grandchildren' initiative wants to inspire us to improve our own world and thus the whole world in small steps. The wonderful thing about it is: In doing so, we not only make the world a little more beautiful, but also awaken feelings of happiness in ourselves." With their compact guide "How to save the world" - the official ideas book for the "Living Suitable for Grandchildren" initiative - Anja Haider-Wallner and Mona Haider want to inspire people to think differently, provide numerous tips and help with the crucial, everyday decisions: What do I buy, what do I eat, how do I get around and how do I spend my free time?
Your compact guide is also the official ideas book for the “Living for Grandchildren” initiative. What does this mean, and how can these ideas be implemented in everyday life?
Anja Haider-Wallner: “Living for Grandchildren” is an initiative based on the principles of the common good economy. It was developed to inspire people to change their own lives and thus the whole world in small steps. The book helps to get inspired and creatively identify potential for improvement in your own everyday life.
Mona: Ultimately, it's about the many small decisions we make every day. And we've put together lots of practical tips, recipes and useful links.
"Just save the world for a moment..." is the title of a current hit song, which ironically describes the presumptuousness and exaggeration of this claim. Isn't this goal really far too big to be achieved? What can individuals do to achieve it?
Anja Haider-Wallner: Yes, this is a big goal. But the worst thing is that you get discouraged by it - according to the motto "What can I do?"! History shows again and again that a critical mass of people can bring about great change. The book describes many opportunities for involvement - not everyone has to do everything. One person might get involved in a charity, another might fast from plastic for a month. A family has two vegan days every week, and the grandmother votes for a different party and marches with "Grannys for Future". The wonderful thing about all these small activities that are at the heart of the Grandchild-Friendly Life game: They not only change the world, they also awaken feelings of happiness in ourselves.
Mona: Sure, because they make sense, and meaning makes you happy!
Both of you have been politically and ecologically active since your early youth and are involved in numerous initiatives. What motivated you both to do this and how do you personally assess the "sustainability" of the influence of current movements on public awareness?
Anja Haider-Wallner: I grew up sustainably. Unfortunately, in the 1990s, this lifestyle was not yet so trendy, and people tended to be put in the socially romantic Birkenstock-muesli-hand-knitted-hat corner. I rebelled against this during puberty by eating waxed apples from Chile and ready-made products packaged in plastic. When I became a mother, I changed my mind and dressed, moisturized and fed my children in an ecologically sustainable way from the very beginning. I was also exposed to political engagement from a young age, and it was almost automatic for me. My daughter doesn't know any different. It remains to be seen to what extent she will follow this path herself. In any case, I am convinced that Greta Thunberg and the Fridays for Future movement are making a massive contribution to changing awareness in the world.
Mona: That was long overdue and necessary!
“Saving the World” and the “Living Fit for Grandchildren” initiative are not just about an ecologically sustainable life, but also about human dignity, solidarity, justice and democracy. Why are these topics so closely related?
Anja Haider-Wallner: For me, these values are intertwined - no matter where I start, it also brings me to the others. If I strive to ensure that people who work in agriculture in developing countries receive fair pay and opportunities for their children, then I also want to ensure that their working conditions are safe for their health and that they do not have to work with chemicals that make them unhealthy. Organic farming is the next step, and I have already arrived at organic farming. If people are also to have dignified jobs, I cannot avoid regulations for co-determination.
Your guide also contains a game plan with instructions for questioning your own lifestyle and implementing small changes in your own living environment in a playful way. How exactly does this game work and what rules do you have to follow?
Anja Haider-Wallner: With the game plan and the instructions, anyone can become a host for the short version of the Grandchild-Friendly Life game. The game works through the motivation that the competition creates in the group. First, you take the time to discuss a topic, exchange experiences and be inspired by the examples in the book.
Mona: Then everyone finds their own individual tasks, and the group decides together how many points will be awarded for them. The goal is to collect as many points as possible through challenging tasks. At the end of four meetings, CO2 certificates will be donated for all the points, thus supporting climate protection projects.
Anja Haider-Wallner: That means the more motivated the group is as a whole, the bigger the icing on the cake at the end. And the small tasks change your own little world, but also make a contribution to the whole!
From cooking and eating to living and consumption to finances and mobility, there are many ways to optimize your lifestyle towards sustainability. Where can you find more information to deal with these questions in more depth?
Anja Haider-Wallner: The book contains many links, film and reading tips for anyone who wants to delve deeper into certain topics. There are initiatives and NGOs in many cities that you can get involved with. If you start a playgroup and get to know like-minded people, then networking and the next helpful contact in the region usually arise automatically.
Recognizing the dignity of every human being, but also of animals and nature, and acting accordingly should be an essential goal of every ecological movement. This also includes self-care. What does this concept mean to you?
Anja Haider-Wallner: Only when I know what I need, do good things for myself, respect my limits and take time out, can I be there for others. This area is the biggest challenge for me personally, because I am so enthusiastic about so many things and I am always there for others. I regularly write goodies for myself in my calendar so that I don't forget about myself.
Book tip:
Anja Haider-Wallner and Mona Haider: How to save the world (compact guide). Small changes with a big impact. The official ideas book for the “Living Suitable for Grandchildren” initiative. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition February 2020, paperback, 11.5 x 16.5 cm, color, 158 pages, with enclosed game plan poster (41.6 x 32 cm), 12.00 euros (D) / 12.40 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-550-9
Link recommendations:
Further information on the compact guide “How to save the world”
More about the author Anja Haider-Wallner
More about the author Mona Haider
To the Internet forum with our authors and readers
To the website of the initiative “Living for Grandchildren”