“Everything is in everything and everything is in me: Working with the archetypes brings our lives into balance!”
Interview with vibration therapist Thomas Künne and sound artist Karin Maria Zimmer
“Everything is in everything and everything is in me: Working with the archetypes brings our lives into balance!”
Interview with vibration therapist Thomas Künne and sound artist Karin Maria Zimmer
"Every person carries the ten archetypes within themselves, and they work in us in individually different forms. If we resonate with these archetypal basic patterns in meditation, we can discover our hidden soul parts and find the most 'digestible', harmonious mixture for us. We should consciously accept and integrate not only our light sides, but also our shadow sides - then we will become whole and healed." Vibration therapist Thomas Künne and sound artist Karin Maria Zimmer have published a double CD entitled " Healing Archetype Meditations " - meditative approaches to the ten archetypes, accompanied by the associated planetary tones - and describe the effects and possible uses in an interview.
Your new project invites you to take meditation journeys to the archetypal basic patterns of the planets in our solar system. What does this mean and who are the listeners for these audio CDs?
Thomas Künne: The term "planets" sounds at first like "far away!" - but only at first. Because the archetypes correspond to our inner soul and essence and are named after the sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Each and every one of us carries all of these elements within us in an individual constellation. So the question is easily answered: These CDs are aimed at everyone who wants to resonate with their inner essence.
The meditations are accompanied by pieces of music that were composed on the fundamental tones of the planets and use only the tones associated with this key. How are the planetary vibrations made audible and what effect do these sounds have on people?
Karin Maria Zimmer: The planetary tones were recorded with keyboard instruments. You will also hear the sound of the respective planetary singing bowl and a monochord that is tuned to the planet that is currently audible. Each recording is also based on a drone tone that was generated with a tone generator and corresponds 1:1 to the planetary frequencies. The effect on people results from the relationship to the archetypes. The primal vibration Om has a relaxing effect, Mars activating, Venus balancing and Uranus stimulating, to briefly explain just one effect among many others.
The archetypes, which bear the names of the ten planets, are also associated with the zodiac signs of astrology and very specific characteristics. Where do these basic patterns come from and how can they be used for well-being?
Thomas Künne: I like to call the archetypes genotypes (“that which works”) and the signs of the zodiac phenotypes (“that which appears”). Plato already knew about archetypal basic patterns, CG Jung “brought” them into our time, he calls them the collective unconscious. It is up to us which parts we make conscious and which parts of our character and being we prefer to suppress. In my book “Healing Frequencies” (with Hans Cousto) I have described the respective characteristics in great detail.
The second CD contains the same musical compositions for the individual planets, but without spoken meditations. What purpose do these serve and how can they be used effectively?
Karin Maria Zimmer: On the one hand, we wanted to offer the listeners and the therapists the option of speaking their own texts or using our texts. With the idea that the familiar voice of the therapist might have a greater effect on the client than a foreign voice. On the other hand, we also wanted to give the listeners the opportunity to let the vibration of the music affect their bodies without any textual guidelines.
For a balanced life, it is essential that we not only appreciate our bright, light sides, but also get to know our darker shadow sides and accept them in a reconciling way. How can the healing archetype meditations contribute to this?
Thomas Künne: There will be meditations that sound pleasant and harmonious the first time you hear them. With others, however, we need time and patience until we like them too. Basically, this is symbolically about accepting and integrating both our light and our dark sides, because only then are we whole and "healed" in the truest sense of the word.
How do the guided and musical meditation journeys relate to the concept of phonophoresis? Where can beginners find more information about tuning fork therapy and its possible applications?
Thomas Künne: The concept of phonophoresis "works" with the law of resonance: we can activate our self-healing powers and our inner healer through external impulses (planetary vibrations). Exactly the same thing happens when we resonate with the guided or purely musical meditation journeys: we find peace, find our center; discord can be harmoniously resolved.
Thomas Künne and Karin Maria Zimmer: Healing Archetype Meditations (2 audio CDs). Everything is in everything and everything is in me. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition April 2020, 2 audio CDs in jewel box, 8-page booklet, total running time approx. 150 minutes, 15 euros (D/A), ISBN 978-3-86374-553-0
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More information about the double CD “Healing Archetype Meditations”
More about Thomas Künne
More about Karin Maria Zimmer
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