Roswitha Stark and Christina Baumann: “A mental illness begins when...
Roswitha Stark and Christina Baumann: “A mental illness begins when...
... when you no longer feel comfortable with yourself for a longer period of time.” Interview with the two vibration experts and bestselling authors
"We live in a time of excessive pressure to perform and an increase in mental illnesses. Many people are no longer able to stay 'true to themselves'; we are observing a progressive division issue, people feel less and less connected to one another, but rather in competition. Those seeking help for their psyche often have to wait up to a year or cannot find a place for therapy at all. With the vibrational remedies in the fourth volume of the 'Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy' we would like to offer possible assistance in promoting mental well-being." In addition to homeopathic and spagyric remedies in symbol form, according to Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark , authors of the successful advice series "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy", the new Bach flower symbols and special miasma remedies for collective issues can also provide important healing impulses for the psyche and mind.
The fourth volume of the “Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy” is dedicated to mental, emotional and spiritual health. What motivated you to write this topic, and which readers are you targeting with your new book?
Christina Baumann: We are in a time of overwhelming pressure to perform, feeling constantly stressed and overwhelmed, and an increase in mental illnesses, from burnout to depression and more severe mental illnesses. In addition, the so-called "Corona period" has made it clear how devastating isolation, being locked up and the feeling of being an outsider or of "having to" stand up against other opinions can be. Children and young people in particular, but also old people in homes who were not allowed to be visited, are increasingly doing badly today. You have to be very strong to stay "with yourself" these days and not become mentally ill. Unfortunately, many have become mentally ill. If you are looking for help for your mental health, you often have to wait up to a year to get a place in therapy, or you can't find a place at all. We wanted to make a contribution here to help promote mental well-being.
The word "psyche" refers to the "totality of human feelings, sensations and thoughts". The human psyche usually refers to the conscious and unconscious parts of the human mind or soul. The subconscious takes up a much larger space than the conscious, which can be well illustrated using the image of an iceberg.
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Psychological problems are currently one of the most common illnesses. What exactly does this mean, and why has there been such a dramatic increase in recent years?
Christina Baumann: What we are observing is a growing issue of division, that is, people feel less and less connected to and supported by others, and competitive thinking is increasing. But separation from others also always means separation from oneself: from one's self-awareness, self-confidence, self-worth, self-respect and self-reliance. A strong dependency develops, including on the media, all kinds of substitute satisfactions, consumption and the constant need to push oneself to be considered something. The digital age creates role models that not everyone can live up to, and that is extremely exhausting. One quickly becomes an outsider and develops emotional pain.
Homeopathy, information medicine and healing with symbols have always gone far beyond pure symptom treatment. Why are these methods particularly suitable for the treatment of mental disorders and illnesses?
Roswitha Stark: Homeopathy has been an empirical medicine for over 200 years, showing good results in physical and mental issues. And it has always chosen the remedies not simply based on the external symptoms, but rather looks at the person as a whole, with their diverse concerns, complaints, preferences, habits and dislikes. Since Hahnemann, the so-called "mental symptoms" have played a crucial role in this; they are often decisive for the choice of remedy when there are several options to choose from. There are even homeopaths who make the selection based solely on this criterion, it is that important.
Even the first signs of psychological problems should be taken seriously, as these often represent the origin of later physical illnesses, organic disorders or behavioral problems. How can so-called “mental symptoms” be identified and how can the appropriate treatment be found?
Roswitha Stark: The classical homeopath would take a very detailed anamnesis and take many mental and emotional sensitivities into account. Ultimately, a mental and emotional illness begins when, for a long period of time, you simply no longer feel comfortable with yourself or with others or in your professional or private life. Later on, stomach ulcers, insomnia or permanent exhaustion lead to you thinking "now I have to do something". First the doctor comes and the pill is supposed to numb the discomfort, but later that doesn't help anymore and then people look for alternatives. And they end up with classical homeopathy or with us, who offer information medicine, i.e. healing impulses in the form of frequencies that suit the client. In our case, these are mainly symbolic vibrations.
In addition to typical homeopathic and spagyric remedies for the psyche, you have also translated all Bach flower remedies and even miasmatic remedies into symbol form for the first time. What influenced you in making this selection and how can the symbols be used in practice?
Roswitha Stark: For this book, we have included a number of well-known homeopathic remedies that are particularly important for the subject of the psyche, such as essential trauma remedies such as Aconitum, Arnica or Opium. We have also included less well-known but very surprising remedies that belong to the field of spagyrics, such as Brassica nigra, Lavandula or Propolis. These can also be potentized and become effective as homeopathic remedies. And for the first time, you can now find all 38 Bach flowers and the well-known Rescue remedy, which have long been used as important soul companions, translated into symbolic form. Many people have asked us for this in recent years. Now we have fulfilled our wish and are very happy about it. With their gentle nature, Bach flowers are incredibly powerful and can put a lot of things right in the mind and soul. We are amazed every day at what is possible.
The Bach flower Centaury is suitable for good-natured, quiet and gentle people who are there for others with tireless devotion, but who are easily exploited by others. Its positive potential lies in more assertiveness and self-confidence. You learn to say no without feeling guilty and to go through life with more self-determination.
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The fact that symptoms can also be inherited from ancestors is given little attention in classical psychotherapy. What effects can a disturbed ancestral relationship have, for example, and how do you treat the psychological problems of people who have already died?
Christina Baumann: In homeopathy there are so-called "miasmatic" remedies, which are remedies that take the collective into account, i.e. issues that many people carry with them in a similar way over a long period of time. This also influences individual treatment, because the burden of the collective, such as ancestors, can lie like ballast on the shoulders. We know the solution via the connected fields from family constellations, among other things. For the topic of "mental disorders", we have provided four miasmatic remedies in symbolic form, which we consider essential; these also include, for example, the psychological consequences of toxic influences, because not only the organs react to poisons, but also the mind and the emotions. This is therefore about healing the individual via the interconnected collective field, without which disease-causing influences often cannot be adequately countered and a crucial part of the cure for the cause would be missing.
Book tip:
Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark: Homeopathic symbol pharmacy: Psyche and mind . 111 vibrational remedies for mental, emotional and spiritual health. EXTRA: All 38 Bach flowers + rescue remedies in symbol form. With enclosed A2 poster. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition August 2024. Folded paperback, full color, 16 × 22 cm, 287 pages, with A2 color poster, €27.00 (D) | €27.80 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-725-1
Link recommendations:
More information about the book “Homeopathic Sympolapotheke: Psyche and Mind”
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More about the author Christina Baumann
More about the author Roswitha Stark
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