Interview with Barbara Arzmüller: "Tackling material house cleaning and energetic cleansing"
Interview with Barbara Arzmüller: "Tackling material house cleaning and energetic cleansing"
"The inside and the outside are always connected. In this respect, the effect is increased immensely when you tackle both, the physical house cleaning and the energetic cleansing." In the interview, interior designer and Feng Shui expert Barbara Arzmüller , author of the guidebook "A Good Place to Live" , explains what order, harmony and chaos are all about and why knowing the right place and the right time is so important for a harmonious home.
For your new book, you combined your experience as an interior designer with knowledge of astrology, Feng Shui and family constellations. Who is the readership of "A Good Place to Live" aimed at?
Barbara Arzmüller: With this book I am addressing people who approach their lives consciously. Who care about the products they surround themselves with and what they do to them. I am addressing people for whom mindfulness is important, who pay attention to quality, who take responsibility for their well-being and who are interested in developing themselves further.
They encourage us to initiate changes in our lives by setting an example in our own environment and rearranging it. What decisions and conditions are necessary for this?
Barbara Arzmüller: The trigger that makes a change necessary is almost always a stubborn blockage in an area of life. Whether it's in relation to relationships, health, family, work, money or inner satisfaction - there's a problem somewhere. And it's so severe that you don't want to accept it anymore. Then you're ready for a change.
A particular focus of your work is the energetic clearing and cleaning of your own home. What does this mean, and is there a connection with material cleaning - the so-called "house cleaning"?
Barbara Arzmüller: The inside and the outside are always connected. In this respect, the effect is increased immensely when you tackle both, the physical house cleaning and the energetic cleansing. The energetic cleansing work is about sorting the things we surround ourselves with, freeing them of stressful memories and arranging them in such a way that they have a harmonious effect on us.
As in your previous books, you have again designed colored shields for the individual topics. What purpose do they fulfill and how are they integrated into the energetic work?
Barbara Arzmüller: Shields are actually very important to me. They have been used for protection and strength since ancient times. The positive experiences with them are therefore stored in all of our subconscious. It is very easy to access them. For this reason, I have included work with shields in my books. The shields I have designed are spiritual energy images that appeal to the inner child. Their symbolic power works on the soul level and helps to set something in motion or to harmonize a situation.
In order to bring a higher order and thus harmony into life, you think it is important to find the right place and the right time for everything. How can this be achieved and where can we get guidance here?
Barbara Arzmüller: Basically, everyone has an inner clock and an inner wisdom that tells them when and what to do. Access to this is sometimes blocked by the thicket of external influences. In this case, it helps to first orient yourself on tried and tested systems. In terms of space, the knowledge from Feng Shui offers clear rules; in terms of time, it is the influence of the sun, which changes over the course of the year.
In Feng Shui, there is the Bagua area, where certain areas of life are assigned to certain directions. How can this system be used for modern Western people, who are increasingly living free from spatial and temporal restrictions?
Barbara Arzmüller: I recommend applying the rules of Feng Shui, and therefore also the Bagua, only to the extent that it is compatible with your own free way of life. And then only as long as there is a persistent problem that you would like to have solved. Trying to tackle it in the outside world is definitely tempting and in many cases effective. Once the issue has been resolved, you can definitely say goodbye to the symbols.
Working with space and time, creating an environment with shields and symbols or getting a monthly energy to support you are suggestions for getting back into "order" when life is in disarray. Are there also moments for you when "chaos" is necessary in order to create something new?
Barbara Arzmüller: I don't see chaotic times as negative at all, but rather as an indication that personal development is imminent. Whether you should intervene or wait depends on how stressful this chaos feels. If you feel like you can't stand a situation any longer or don't want to have it anymore, everyone should feel invited to do something good for themselves - like creating a new order in this area.
Book tip:
Barbara Arzmüller: A good place to live. How to clear the energy in your home and strengthen the areas of your life. With 25 color signs. Mankau Verlag 2019, paperback with 16-page color section, 13.5 x 21.5 cm, 222 pp., 16.90 euros (D) / 17.40 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-502-8.
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