Promote well-being at all levels
Promote well-being at all levels
Barbara Arzmüller’s “ energy and protective shields ” ward off stress, strengthen the chakras and stimulate positive forces
Chakras are the spiritual energy centers of humans that influence emotions, character and well-being. If the system is out of balance, we become susceptible to physical illness and psychological suffering. With specially designed shields, the chakras can be activated and enriched with fresh energy.
Living in balance
Many people tend to exhaust themselves to the core. They feel responsible for everything and do a lot, but there is less and less free time to replenish their resources. Others are unable to get out of lethargy. At some point they give up and sink into a state where they function but their life no longer progresses. "Anyone who believes they can constantly perform at their best is just as wrong as anyone who believes that happiness can be found in paralysis. Our system needs times of energy and times of rest. There must be a balance between tension and relaxation," advises Barbara Arzmüller.
With her new book, the Feng Shui expert and spiritual author inspires people to take care of their own health and personal well-being - with images, shapes and colors that have a direct and powerful effect on the chakras and thus on the entire attitude to life. And by building up the chakras, the hormone balance is also brought into balance.
Wellness for body, mind and soul
Activating the chakras is like a wellness treatment for body, mind and soul. Blockages can be removed, deficits filled and talents used more effectively. Healthy chakras allow you to dream and be enterprising, they open you up to love and attract success, they make you happy, calm and courageous.
Chakras are important energy centers through which our entire system can come into contact with the outside world. It is a Sanskrit word and means "circle" or "wheel"; it could also be translated as an energy vortex. The seven main chakras are lined up like a string, about a hand span apart on the body between the pelvic floor and the vertex. Other chakras are located on the hands, feet and various other parts of the body; there are also chakras above the head and under the feet.
The activation of the seven main chakras is the basis of healing energy work. "Depending on how powerfully the individual chakras shine, they influence our well-being, our success and our relationships. If we cleanse and strengthen the chakras regularly, we stabilize our physical health and harmonize our mental well-being. We have stable roots, harmonious contacts with other people and good access to the spiritual world," says Barbara Arzmüller.
Effect on the hormonal system
Based on personal circumstances, it is easy to see which chakras are deficient and where action is needed. A long-term energy deficit in a chakra can manifest itself not only as a persistent life problem, but also as a physical illness. It is therefore no coincidence that the seven main chakras are located exactly where the most important body glands are. These are central points in the personal health system, because this is where hormones are produced and distributed. And it is no secret that health and well-being are linked to a balanced hormone balance.
We can build up the chakras and regenerate hormone production through our imagination, i.e. through our mind. This can resolve numerous disorders. The effect of glands and chakras on hormones and thus on physical and mental health is almost identical. Barbara Arzmüller describes in detail the connections between the energy centers, the hormones and the physical effect as well as the mental and spiritual state. She also uses the old method of allowing images and symbols to have an effect on the subconscious: "We stimulate our minds with information, but meditation provides access to our inner being, to our soul. Image meditations in particular have a profound and wonderfully healing effect."
Book tip:
Barbara Arzmüller: Energy and protective shields. Ward off stress, strengthen chakras and stimulate positive forces. With 14 enclosed shield cards. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition July 2017, paperback, 16 x 22 cm, colour, with 14 colour cards (13 x 19 cm), 21.30 euros (D) / 21.90 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-406-9.
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